5 ~ Good Morning!

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The warm Alolan sun shone through the window, warming Jessie's back. Her deep blue eyes opened slowly, as the memories of last night flooded back to her. She looked to her right, and saw that James was still cuddling her. Bubbles of excitement popped inside her, causing a quiet squeal of joy to escape her lips. Careful not to wake her lilac-haired companion, she rolled over to face James' sleeping face. He looked so calm. So happy - unlike last night.

It was still bugging her - what had been the matter with James? And why wouldn't he tell her what was wrong? They usually told each other everything. This sort of secretive behavior wasn't like James at all.

Jessie brushed a lavender lock of hair off James' face, and nestled deeper into his chest. James mumbled something softly in his sleep, and wrapped his arms around Jessie unconsciously.

"Is he awake?" Jessie pondered aloud.

James' emerald eyes slowly cracked open, and he replied,

"I am now," with a chuckle. Jessie wriggled out of James' grip and stretched. James did the same, both yawning loudly.

Jessie and James sat up in bed and slid out from beneath the covers.

"Good morning," James said, beaming.

"Yes, it is a good morning!" Jessie replied, beaming back at James.

'Jessie is never this cheery in the morning...Or ever, now that I think about it,' James thought to himself, 'How strange. Maybe it's the Alola life?'

James made his way over to the arm-chair where his clothes were scattered, and cleaned up the mess of white rocket uniforms and black gloves. He then went to the draws and took out a fresh set of underwear, socks and  black under-garments. Jessie followed his lead, and began getting organised for the day ahead.

James grimaced at the uniform he held out in front of him.

"Is it just me, or are you feeling a little sick of these uniforms?" James asked with a sigh.

"I have to agree. They're just far too hot!" Jessie complained.

"There's just no way I'm wearing all of this today, not even if Giovanni himself showed up!" James declared, tossing the white layers back on the armchair.

"Do you mind if I use the bathroom first?" Jessie asked, uncharacteristically politely.

"Of course not! After all, ladies first!" James replied, laughing.

Even if he had have minded, there wasn't a chance he was telling her so. He'd much prefer not to be hit over the head in the morning, thank you very much!

James, taking advantage of the privacy, quickly stripped and got dressed in the fresh clothes. He tossed his dirty black underclothes on to the arm-chair behind him, and then began looking around for a pair of shoes to wear.

"I can't possibly wear those wretched boots with this practically-stark outfit," James muttered to himself, "Maybe I packet some sandals?"

James walked over to the back-pack he had brought, containing what little he had brought with him.

"Ah! What glorious luck!" James cried gleefully, pulling out a pair of purple and white sandals. He slipped them on his bare feet and grinned; his outfit was perfect for battling against the Alolan heat!

Jessie emerged from the bathroom, freshened up and dressed in her usual under clothing of a black tank top and a pair of tight black shorts.

"We're ready for Alola alright!" Jessie cried enthusiastically, accidentally waking Meowth.

Meowth stumbled awake and fell from the armchair with an unsettling crash.

"MEOOW! Heh-heh. Good mornin' , pals!" Meowth laughed, embarrassed by his fall.

Jessie and James laughed at Meowth's clumsiness.

"Whatdya tink about gettin' some breakfast, ay? I'm starvin'!" Meowth piped up.

"Finally! A plan that is guaranteed success!" James replied enthusiastically.

"Sounds like a plan to me!" The three chimed in unison.

--------------------------------------------time passes-------------------------------------------------

A hearty breakfast later, the Team Rocket trio left the hotel and marched determinedly down the Alolan street, and set up their fishing-pole store on the Alolan market once again.

"We need to be prepared this time," Jessie announced, "No mid-selling stops because we've run out of poles!"

Meowth nodded in agreement, and both looked at James.

"Sure. Why not," James sighed and shrugged, "I'll be back with a whole stack of pole-worthy branches!"

James took off, a grin finding its way on to his face. This time, he didn't feel like the group's fool or lackey. Sure, he was getting the wood, but Jessie did it yesterday, so it was only fair. James slowed his pace after a few minutes, and began strolling casually along the Alolan streets towards the forest.

"If I remember correctly, the forest is only a couple more minutes away," James said to himself.

Suddenly, James spotted a red cap covering a head of spiky black hair...It was the twerp! What was his name? Ash! It was Ash! James sighed; he should have known their luck would run out at some point. As soon as Jessie and Meowth heard that the twerp troupe were here, their reckless chase and pursuit of Pikachu would surely continue.

"Ah well, I suppose my sanity is safe for now," James sighed.

Ash looked up from his Rotom-dex, and much to his disbelief and annoyance, he spotted a head of lilac hair. Hang on - where was the pink one? And the talking Meowth? Where were the other Team Rocketeers? James looked over his shoulder and saw Ash staring at him. To Ash's surprise, James shot Ash a friendly smile and waved as he walked on by. A little taken aback, Ash waved back, and finally returned the smile. After all, Ash had always thought that James was the least bad of the Team Rocket trio!

James continued along the now grassy path, leaving the smooth sand path of the market place a few paces behind him as he entered the forest. He hummed joyously to himself as he gathered the fallen branches and large branches, enjoying the peace and tranquility.

A few moments later, James' arms were piled high with potential fishing poles. He began to make his way back towards their little stall in the market place. A group of Alolan Rattata scurried past James, filling him with curiosity and fascination towards their different appearance.

"How strange! These Rattata are brown instead of purple. Maybe it's an example of how different Pokémon can look different in different climates," James pondered aloud.

As quickly as he had left, James was back in the market place, nearly back at the stall. As he drew nearer, he became able to hear Meowth and Jessie's conversation.

"So, Jess, do ya love Jimmy back?" Meowth asked.

James froze, panic-stricken and anxious of Jessie's answer. A bout of harsh laughter came from Jessie's mouth, followed by cutting words,

"Of course not! You might as well ask me if I love the twerps! That's how pathetic and annoying he is!" Jessie scoffed.

A moment too late, Jessie and Meowth looked behind them and saw James, his arms full of sticks, and looking extremely hurt and deflated. Within seconds, they knew he had heard every word of Jessie's cruelty.

James dropped the pile of wood and took off in the opposite direction.

Back towards the forest.

And the journey continues...

Extend Our Reach (Rocket-shipping Fan fiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя