15 ~ Worst News Possible

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Cassidy and Butch were sat in Giovanni's office, wrapped in blankets and describing to the Boss all that had happened. A harshly felt panic had descended upon Team Rocket Headquarters upon the news of Jessie's disappearance. 

Cassidy hadn't felt such a strong stab of guilt in her entire life; all this time she had been cruel. Unnecessarily cruel. And now Jessie had been buried by an avalanche - just like her mother. Cassidy was forced to relieve the memory, boring every horrific detail deeper into her mind as she told her Boss what had happened. Butch simply sat there, stunned into silence by shock.

Cassidy and Butch weren't the only ones having a moral crisis; Giovanni was also feeling worry for his best agent, Jessie. She had been handed the same fate as her mother - at his hands. Mimayoto had too been sent to her snowy end by his selfish demands. But no - he had to stay calm. Jessie would be found. Fate would never be so cruel as to repeat itself in such a way!

"So you tell me Jessie was knocked off the mountain by MewTwo's Gyro-Ball, and then an avalanche occurred, burying her?" Giovanni asked, forcing a level tone upon himself to hide his inner panic.

"Yes, Giovanni, Sir," Cassidy whimpered.

Giovanni pressed the intercom button on his desk and announced,

"Code red; this is an emergency. An agent, Jessie , is missing! Buried by an avalanche on the mountain top; searching mission for MewTwo. Send a team to look for her! And don't you dare quit until I say so!" he barked.

"You're both dismissed. Thank you for your help," Giovanni said quietly.

Cassidy and Butch left in silence, perhaps still hoping that what had happened was just a dream...Or that she'd be found.

-------------------------------------------------- three days later ---------------------------------------------------

Giovanni was sat at his office desk, nervously drumming his fingers on the hard-wood. Finally, the phone rang. It was the end of the three day searching period. In those mission conditions, if a missing agent is not found within three days, they had to give up the search.

"Any good news, gentlemen?" Giovanni answered the phone hopefully.

"Sorry, Sir. Jessie's presumed dead. Her body hasn't been found and we've dug out half way down in this snow. She'll be deeper down - frozen solid," the agent said sorrowfully.

"I...I understand. Return to base immediately. Good efforts," Giovanni ended the call and sank into his chair, his head in his hands as he sighed deeply. How on earth was he going to live this down? A mother and a daughter both perish on the same mission, many years apart! How could this happen?!

"Forgive me, Mimayoto," Giovanni whispered, "I have failed you..."

And the journey continues...

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