4 ~ Pokémon's Out of the Ball!

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"A whole evening of fishing and not one Pokémon catch!" James sighed, unlocking their hotel room door.

"Cheer up, Jimmy! Dere's always tamarra!" Meowth replied encouragingly.

"Yes, I suppose so," James said, smiling at Meowth gratefully, "I'll be back in just a moment," James left the main bedroom and entered the bathroom.

Jessie waited until she was sure James had locked the door, before yanking Meowth off his feet by the scruff of his neck, causing him to yelp. Jessie clamped a hand over the furry-feline's big mouth and hissed,

"I heard you talking with James on my way back with the fire wood. What were you talking about? A master-plan?!"

"I promised Jimmy I wouldn't tell!" Meowth cried indignantly.

"Well, how about this?" Jessie smiled sweetly, "I PROMISE THAT IF YOU DON'T TELL ME, I WILL RIP YOUR MEOWTH HEAD OFF!" Jessie yelled.

"AHHHAHA! Okay! Okay! Put me down, Jess!" Meowth pleaded.

The big-yappered Pokémon was tossed with an impatient swing of Jessie's arm on to the bed with a hard thump.

"I-err-assumed ya heard da first bit den? If ya was spying on Jimmy and me?" Meowth laughed nervously.

"I was NOT spying!" Jessie cried, "I happened to overhear you is all!"

"Sure, sure. Whadeva. Well...I suppose da Pokémon is outta da Poke-ball now anyways," Meowth sighed.

"Listen doe, ya can't tell Jimmy I told ya dis!" Meowth insisted, "He'll be so disappointed in me!"

"I won't tell you told! Just tell ME!"

"Alright den; James was just tellin' me somethink personal-like," Meowth began.

"About me?"

"Well -err- Kinda?"


"Jess...James kinda has a crush on yous...Heh."

Jessie's eyes widened in disbelief; secretly thrilled, she smirked, pretending to be nonchalant. Laughing insensitively Jessie cried out,

"Is that all? James likes me? How pathetic can he get?!" she laughed.

Little did she know that the hotel-room walls weren't all that thick, and that James had just turned off the tap as Meowth was spilling the beans.

"Jess...James kinda has a crush on yous...Heh..." James heard Meowth say.

James gasped, hurt by Meowth's betrayal. However, what came next to James' ears hurt much more than that.

Jessie's piercing laugh echoed, and then she exclaimed,

"Is that all? James likes me? How pathetic can he get?!"

James froze, silently feeling his heart shatter, the pieces sinking deep into the pit of his chest.

He pulled on his other glove just in time to clasp a hand to his mouth, silencing a heartbroken-sob.

'Jessie thinks I'm pathetic. Of course she does! She would never love a man like me!' James scolded himself for his stupidity, 'And whatever made me think that I could trust Meowth?! How could I be so foolish? And all in one day!'

James wiped his teary eyes and cleared his throat before exiting the bathroom, not wanting to raise suspicion amongst his team-mates. He smiled at both Jessie and Meowth with a false grin.

"Hey, team! I'm back!" James announced with cheer.

Jessie felt a sharp pang of guilt; he wouldn't be smiling and laughing if he had just heard what Jessie had said about his feelings...Even less so if he knew that his trusted Pokémon-pal Meowth had blabbed out his secret. Though to be fair to Meowth, she had threatened it out of him. She felt terrible - it was all her fault! Though thank goodness, James didn't know about how she had lied to preserve her pride to Meowth. It was true, she liked James too. But she could never admit it.

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