Chaper 1: Beginnings

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Sadies POV:

May 13, 2018: Wow, all I have to say is wow. I met this guy at the mall today but I only got his name. By the way his name was Finn. I got his snapchat and we have been sending HILARIOUS pictures back and forth. He sends me all these videos of him and this guy, his name is Jack. I tried to look for his Instagram but all I found were a bunch of these accounts of this famous guy. Huh. Anyways I will check in tomorrow!!

           Sadie Slater


Finn's POV:

May 13th, 2018: This girl is amazing, she is gorgeous and really funny.😊 We snapchat constantly and she sends me. videos of her being ridiculously relatable😂. She acts just like my brother sometimes, actually insane. Well i'm glad that we're friends, I can really trust her and she's really nice. I really hope we can see each other again. Anyways, I'll check in soon.
        Finn Wolfhard

Texts between Finn and Sadie:

Finn: Hey!

Sadie: hola!

Finn: You doing anything today??

Sadie: just watching 'The Office' lol😂

Finn: Omg!! That show is so funny!

Sadie: true that

Finn: So you up for bowling today?

Sadie: oh yea totally! just let me ask my mom for a ride.

Finn: Alrighty!

Sadie: talk to you soon!

Finn: Ok! Bye!

~end of conversation~

May 16th, 2018:
Grandview Lanes, Vancouver

Finn: Hey! You made it!

Sadie: Wasn't planning on missing it!

Finn: Well I sure hope not!

Sadie: I'm just gonna warn you here sir, that I am a professional Wii bowler. You might wanna watch out for me man!

Finn: Wow, I would've practiced more if I knew I was dealing with a pro!

Sadie: Sorry didn't mean to frighten you.

Finn: I'm not the ones who's frightened.

Sadie: Ok, your up first.

Finn: Alrighty.
Sadies POV:

    We ended up playing more games than expected. Score: Finn-2/Me-4. Finns mom, Mrs. Wolfhard decided to just take us out to eat and take me home. I really wanted to swim so my brothers Cam and James, my sister Aurora, and I swam in our pool. A (Aurora) got mad at Cam because he jumped on top of her so that kind of ruined the fun vibe.
Finns POV:

I'm gonna do it. I'm going to ask out Sadie. I really like her and I feel like we just clicked immediately. I'm gonna take her to her favorite pizza place, then go to her favorite make-your-own sundae joint. I'm really excited and I cant wait until we get together. Ahhh I cant sleeeeep.
~end of chapter~
Hello!! I want to thank you all for reading and I really hope y'all enjoyed so far. I know this is kinda boring at the moment because of the background information and all but it will get better!! Thanks!!

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