Chapter 6: The Part of a Lifetime

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December 1st, 2024: Vancouver
Conversation between Sadie and Finn:
"Good morning!!" Finn says bursting into her room.
"What are you doing? It's 7:30 am." She wearily replied.
"You have a meeting babe, i'm here as your alarm clock."
"Shoot! My meeting!"
"Your welcome dude"
"Yea, yea. I gotta get ready."
"Ok, I'll be downstairs making breakfast."
"Thanks! Can I get some eggs, bacon and toast? Pleaaaasseee"
"Anything you want honey"
"Of course"
Finn makes Sadie her breakfast and she basically swallows it all whole because she needed to be on time. But for Sadie Slater, that's at least 10 minutes early. Finn drives her to the meeting with Mrs. Cooley and stays for moral support. Sadie walks into the meeting shaking, feeling like she wants to puke.
Conversation between Mrs. Cooley and Sadie:

"Hi, Sadie?" Mrs. Cooley says in a heavy British accent

"Yes, nice to meet you!" Sadie replies, extremely excited.

"The pleasure is all mine Miss Slater."

"Thank you."

"So let's just get down to business."

"Sounds good"

"I actually want to get to know you a little bit more. Tell me about you."

"Well, alright, here it goes..."

Sadies Story
Sadie grew up in a really small town called Monroe, Michigan. She lived in a middle class home and went to a private school with all of her friends. She had an amazing life, everything she needed as a 12 year old. Then, her dads job was being transferred to Vancouver, Canada. She packed up her room, and the rest of her home with it, said her goodbyes, and took off. She was going to miss her best friends so much, but she knew she would make new ones eventually. She ended up going to another private school and really liked it. She made new friends the first day she started attending. Their names were Savanna, Cadey, and MaryKate. They were extremely nice girls and made Sadie feel like she belonged there. Then, one day, she went to the mall with her friends, and ended up meeting the love of her life that day without even knowing it. She actually ran into him and knocked all of the bags out of her hand. He helped her up and apologized. He was with his best friend Jack Dylan Grazer. Finn started blushing when he looked into her emerald eyes. He gave her his Snapchat and then he had to leave, pretty much because about 20 fans were waiting behind him for a picture. Her friends of course started going "Awwww!!! Sadieeeeee..OOOOHHH" Basically what friends do. Anyways, they had started dating and 7 years later, he proposed to her in front of all of their friends on a group hike. They are getting married next year.
"Wow. That's truly amazing" said Mrs. Cooley.

"Oh, thanks. Yea it's been quite a ride so far"

"I bet. So your marrying Finn Wolfhard?"


" He's very talented."

Sadie blushes "Yea, he sure is."

"Well, you have the part."


"Yes, you will be dancing as Clara for our production of The Nutcracker."

"No way!!!"

"Yes, you are very talented Miss Slater. You really deserve this role."

"Mrs. Cooley, I truly cannot thank you enough for this incredible opportunity."

"It is my pleasure, Sadie."

"I can't wait to tell Finn!!"

They shake hands and Sadie walks out, almost bursting with excitement.

"FINN!" Sadie screams.

"Shhh. What?" He replies, really confused.

"I got the part!! I'm going on a tour playing Clara!!"

"Sadie!! This is amazing!"

"I know!! I'll only be gone for 6 months!"

"Wait, 6 months?"

"Yeah, Finn are you ok?"

"I'm fine, that's only 5 months from our wedding."

"Finn, there are going to be week long breaks, i'll be back to get my dress and we can spend time together."


"I love you Finn"

"I love you too Sadie."
So Sadie is going on tour!! How do you all feel about it? I like this chapter because you really get to know Sadie more. Enjoy!

Also, I'm going to host a contest and whoever can make the best cover for the story, will have the edit used (obviously) and a shoutout for your account! Good luck everyone!!


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