Chapter 12

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Louis ---

Oh My God. I can't believe I  did  that. Sure she said she hate's me but it doesn't give me the right to slap her. She's 11 and I basically abused her. Now her fragile body is laying on the floor .  I told Zayn to go get me an ice pack and a wet towel. 

I slowly and gently put the ice pack on her cheek . It already has a bruise. I placed the towel on her forehead . I hope this will work . Her eyes started to open. Once they were fully opened I could see the hatred in her eye's. Well she hate's me . I'm the worst father ever .

'' You ! You did this to me ! '' She yelled while pointing at her cheek. She slowly got up. I knew exactly what she was doing . 

'' Brooklyn I'm sorry. I shouldn't have slapped you. '' I was not ready for this. Simon told us to adopt a child because we need more publicity . 

'' You want to know something Louis. I forgive people so freaking easy that it's not even funny anymore. My so called 'father' abused me and I forgave him. I keep forgiving people for thing's so mean and stupid. I'm 11 years old. I shouldn't have to worry about you hurting me. I should have to worry about what topping's to put on my pizza. Not this.''

She ran up the stair's while slamming her door on purpose. I need a drink or four. The guy's left except Zayn so I grabbed my key's and left.

At the bar.

I've had 2 beer's and still sober. I started to get in my car when a brunette stopped me . I looked up and saw a woman who looked like she's 90. 

'' What are you doing at a bar aren't you like... 90? '' I really don't think she should be here right now .

'' For your information I'm 30 .....''

 You know what I drove off not caring if she sat there for the rest of the night . I have more thing's on my mind than a crazy 30 or 90 year old woman . I was on the green light and this truck was coming forward I quickly drove to the sidewalk. Oh my gosh. I've never had a near death experience beside when I had food poisoning when I was 14 . I was at the hospital for two month's. I got home as fast as I can while still in the speed limit. I quickly got out and ran into the living room. All the guy's looked at me with pure hatred

'' Okay so you're gonna be mad at me when I literally was two feet away from being hit by a truck.'' Sure I sound selfish but I'm still scared . 

'' Sorry mate it's just we care but what you did earlier was not cool . When me and Dani have kid's we wouldn't treat them like that.''

'' Liam remember you and Dani broke up.''

'' Yeah , I guess I just miss her. ''

'' Anyway it's late so let's go to sleep . We have all had a long day.''  Liam said while wiping a lone tear that fell . Poor kid.

Okay there's the chapter sorry I uploaded late . I have been coming up with outfit idea's and story plot's for the book. So i'll see you in chapter 13 .

--- Kaye

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