Chapter 2

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Valerie's POV


I rolled over and turned my alarm off. I looked at the time and it was 7:45am.

I got up and went to the bathroom and turned on the shower letting the water heat up. As soon as the water got to the temperature I preferred, I got in.

I got ready for the day and was headed off to work.

Yes, I work.

I work at this small café as a waitress. I loved my job. It was the only time I got to get away from my mother.

"Where are you going." My mother stopped me from walking out the door.

"To work, mother." I told her. I walked out the front door.

I walked to work.

It wasn't very far from my house.

"Heyy" My best friend greeted me as I walked into the caffè.

Hailey, Is the only friend I have. We met each other by working at the same job. We gotten super close over the years. I tell her everything. She's my best friend.

"Hey." I hugged her.

After I pulled away from the hug I glanced at her shirt. It was a Justin Bieber shirt.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"What?" Hailey smiled.

"It's- it's your shirt. You're obsessed." We both laughed.

She had a huge obsession with Justin Bieber. All she ever talks about is Justin Bieber. But I still love her.

Personally, I don't like Justin Bieber. I've heard a lot of bad things about him. But I don't know him personally, and it's not my place to judge.

Me and Hailey continued our work day until it was finally time to go home.

I hated going home at the end of the day. I wish I could just stay at this Café for forever.

I turned the door handle of the front door, and I found it being unlocked.

When I walked in, my grandmother and my mom were talking about something but the conversation quickly ended when they saw me.

"Valerie, honey. Come sit down." My mom said

It's funny how my moms attitude changed towards me as soon as we were around other people.

"Sweetie, what happened to your face?" My grandmother touched the bruise on my face that was caused by my mother. My mom glared at me.

I looked around nervously trying to come up with an excuse.

"Umm... I- I fell at work... and I- i hit my face." I lied.

"Why are you here, Grandma?" I asked trying to change the subject quickly.

"Well, me and your mother has a few things you should know." My grandmother looked at my mother.

"Okay. What is it?" I looked at both my grandmother and my mother for answers.

My grandmother waited on my mother to say something but she didn't.

"So sweetie, listen,  I'm not really sure how to tell you this but.. um, you know how you were born in England?" I nodded.

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