Chapter 3

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Valerie's POV

I woke up feeling the tear stains on my cheeks.

It was Saturday, meaning I didn't have to work today. I was off on the weekends.

It's been two days sense I've been told I'm being forced to get married to Justin Bieber. I have cried so much I think I have ran out of tears.

"Valerie, get up and get dressed." My mom came in my room and told me.

As soon as she left my room I did as I was told and got ready.

She has been really nice to me lately. It was probably because she's getting rid of me soon. Not only that, but she's getting paid to do so.

I walked into the bathroom and took a hot shower.

When I got out I put on a old, white dress that came just right above my knees with a pair of white sandals and I braided my hair to the side. I put a lot of make up on trying to cover the bruise on my cheek.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"We are having lunch with the Bieber's today." My mom said.

I felt tears rush to my eyes once again. But I stopped them before they came out.

The car ride was silent.

I felt my sister take my hand. I looked at her and she gave me a small smile.

The car ride was an hour long but seemed like only a couple of seconds to me.

We pulled up to this huge mansion.

I sighed once the car stopped. My sister squeezed my hand.

Me, my mother, and my sister walked to the front door and rang the door bell.

The door opened and I saw a beautiful woman and a tall, muscular man knowing it was probably Justin's parents.

"Hi, I'm Pattie. And this is Jermey. We are Justin's parents." Pattie said while smiling. I saw two small children run up behind them.

"This is Jazmyn and Jaxon. They are also our kids." I smiled when I saw both of them shyly hid behind their parents.

Jermey shook all of our hands

"You must be Valerie." She looked at me.

I nodded as she eyed me up and down knowing she was probably mentally judging me.

She hugged all of us and invited us in.

The house was massive. It was beautiful.

They showed us the way to the living room. Me and my sister and my mother sat all on the same couch.

"Would anyone like something to drink or eat?" Pattie asked.

We all shook our head no.

Pattie, Jermey and my mom talked for the longest time, while Jaxon and Jazmyn went to their rooms and played.

I still haven't seen Justin yet. I honestly didn't want to face him. But I knew it was gonna happen soon.

"So where's Justin?" My mom asked.

"He should be here soon." Pattie replied.

Pattie looked at me and saw that I was shy and uncomfortable.

"Valerie, would you like to help me get prepared for lunch?" I looked at Pattie and nodded and she guided me to the kitchen.

"What would you like me to do?" I asked.

Arranged Marriage: Justin Bieber Where stories live. Discover now