Chapter 10

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Valerie's POV

Justin had to go to the studio today meaning I had the house to myself. I could finally relax and be myself.

I laid on the couch still trying to comprehend all of this.


I heard someone knocking on the door. I started walking toward the door and I could tell the person behind the door was very impatient.

I opened the door and saw Hailey standing there. She didn't look happy.

"Hailey- how did you get here?" I asked.

"That doesn't matter. What's this?" She shoved her phone in her face showing me videos of me and Justin at the event the other night.

"Hailey, let me explain." I said.

"What is there to explain? You just disappear. You stop showing up at work. I tried my best trying to get a hold of you. And then I come across this. A picture of you and Justin freaking Bieber that says you are married to him!? You were my best friend. I trusted you. You lied to me." I saw tears in Haileys eyes.

"You don't understand. I didn't want this. So much has happened under a little amount of time." I tried to explain.

"What do you mean? How did you not want this. You married Justin Bieber, and most of all you lied to me!" Hailey yelled.

"Hailey, listen to me. I swear, I was forced to marry him. There was nothing I could do about it."I explained.

"Stop lying!" Hailey cried and I felt tears rush to my eyes as well.

"You were my best friend Valerie. How could you do this? How could you lie to my face? I'm done." Hailey said as I let the tears run down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Whatever." I heard her say right before the door slammed behind her.

I fell to the floor crying.

I lost my best friend. My only friend. The only person besides my sister that I trusted.

This is all Justin's fault. If he never agreed to this stupid marriage none of this wouldn't have happened.

He said that there was nothing he could do about it but he's Justin Bieber! I'm sure there was a way he could have stoped it.

Part of me hates him for it. It's almost like he just wanted it to get more publicity. My life is completely ruined because of this.

I heard someone turn the door knob to the front door. I instantly stood up and wiped my tears hoping it wasn't noticeable that I was crying.

Justin and some girl walked in and they were both giggling. I think I've saw her from somewhere before.

The girl had long dark brown hair. She was hanging all over him.

"Oh, hey." Justin said when he noticed me.

"Are you okay? Have you been crying." He asked.

"I'm fine. Who's this?" I slightly smiled.

"Valerie, this is Selena. She's a really good friend of mine and Selena, this is Valerie." I saw Selena's eyes eyeing me up and down, giving me dirty looks the whole time.

"I hope you don't mind if she stays for a couple of hours. I'll make sure we will stay out of your way." Justin looked at me.

"No, not at all. Umm actually, I'm leaving in a bit to go see my sister. So you will have the place to your selfs." I said remembering I promised my sister I would go see her today.

Arranged Marriage: Justin Bieber Where stories live. Discover now