Who is Jesus

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Matthew 16:15-16
"Then he asked them, 'But who do you say I am?' Simon Peter answered 'you are the Messiah, the son of the living God."

If you read a few verses before this you will see Jesus' first question to the disciples. Some people said Jesus  was John the Baptist, some said he was Elijah  others said he was Jeremiah or one of the prophets. It was Jesus next question that really spoke to me.

Who do you say I am?

He was speaking to his disciples,men that were so close to him.  Who knew everything about him.  They ate together, drank and even slept together.  Yet not all understood who he really was.  Not all were able to see the big picture.

Who do you say I am?
This is a very important question that every Christian should ask him/herself.
Who is Jesus to you, what is your relationship with him because he can't be more than you value him.

Jesus grew up in Nazareth,  in fact he was know as a Jesus of Nazareth yet not even 1 miracle was recorded there.  It is possible that the people only saw him as a carpenter.  Little did they know that this carpenter carried power. He was the Messiah. 

Who do you say I am? 
Peter's response was simple, direct and powerful, "the Messiah,  son of the living God. " To Peter Jesus was lord,  he was king, he gave him the number one place in his life. He opened his life to him and his life was transformed from being an ordinary Fisher man to a supernatural man, filled with power. His destiny was changed just by giving God his place. A Fisher man someone no one would ever talk about is used as an example to us all Christians thousands of years after his death.

To you as a young person who is Jesus to you?
Is he no1 or is he just your no2. Are you devoted to him,  do you understand his message, is he your king?  Do you feel you can do it on your own. He is a life changer!  There is nothing he can't do.  Today decide to make a meaningful relationship with him. He wants you, he came for you!

Jesus is the Messiah there is no doubt about that but few were able to understand and connect to him. Today you have that opportunity to connect with him. To give him the driving seat in your life.  He has a plan for you!

Jesus loves you!

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