The True Father

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Hi guys its been a while today I'm going to be talking about a topic that's really real to me. I was just worshiping and looking back on my journey as a believer and I just felt like sharing how I feel with you guys cuz I realized how far I have come as an individual in my work with God. So basically this is my salvation story.

I was born into a very, very religious family. Having my father as a pastor and my mum as a deaconess I've been pretty much going to church every Sunday my whole life but it never meant much to me. I saw God as some kind of far away person. I was pretty much forced to serve God. Yes, I went to church. Yes, I could quote bible verses and all that ...but it was never real to me.
So today I'm talking to all those out there that are like me. You know all about Christianity without knowing the Christ. You know all about Gods commandment and you keep them only because your parents make you to. God doesn't mean anything personally to you. Everyone around sees you as a good kid but I have to break it to you. You are not a true Christian. You will not be judged based on your parents achievements its all personal. You need to know God personally. Who is God to you?
Do you love him?
Until I discovered the love of God the church going never made any sense to me. I had no value for it. Until you discover who Jesus is and the importance of what he has done for you are yet to.begin even if you know the bible from Genesis to Revelation. It will not get you anywhere.
Please discover the love of God. Discover him for yourself. Let.your love not go cold. Please. We have very minimal time. He's coming back very very soon. Now is the time to get serious with him. I'm not only talking to you guys but I'm talking to myself. There are a few things I'm struggling with and I'm hoping on God for his grace and his help to pull through.
Godforbid that after all this we will be cast aways.
Please if you are reading this this is a call to you to repent. Please, please the time is so short can't you see the signs?
The heavens, the seasons the earth even the animals all are showing the signs that the creator is near.
Prepare your hearts, prepare your deeds let your deeds be able to stand the fire. They will be tested with fire.
Above all let the love of God lead you through. Commit yourself into his hands and he will not let you go even if you choose to go astray. He will hold on no matter what until it is time to meet the father.

Pleas get prepared, Jesus is coming again. Very soon.

Love you all,

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