please read***

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Hey guys, it's been a while. The recent events in our world today is certainly a cause for concern. From the corona virus to the painful racism that continues to go on in our world it's hard to imagine a better world. A place God created for us all to thrive in and dominate has been turned upside down by us. We have taken the beautiful gift God gave us and have filled it with hate, blood shedding, deceit, envy, and everything that's bad. The Bible says blessed is the man who does not stand in the way of sinners. Are you standing in the way of sinners?
If you see all that's going on and you fail to realize and accept that something is wrong with our society and that things need to change then I'm sorry to tell you but YOU ARE STANDING IN THE WAY OF SINNERS!
The hate thats in this world is so toxic that sometimes I feel like I can touch it. I literarily can not breathe the air is toxic, social media is toxic, people are toxic.
I honestly don't know what to say but I know that our father sees and he is not like man he is just and loving and kind. He is going to save us all from ourselves like always but before then it's only going to get worse these are really the last days and we all have to guard our hearts, no matter how much it hurts don't let the hate come in. Love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you. It's hard but turn the other cheek and even when you do protest do it without violence because we know that only God can give us the real justice we deserve.
My thoughts and prayers do to the individuals, families and generally the whole black community all around the world. We can get through this, we will get through this.
                    God bless you all
                             Love- B💞💞

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