Judging others

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Matthew 7:1-5
'Do not judge others and you will not be judged.'

As humans it's normal for us to make mistakes, its part of our daily lives.
No one is perfect, we all are just unfinished projects in the hands of God.

Some people feel they are better than others even when they are not. As a Christian teen, you should not judge others no matter what, because if God decides to judge us all by the sins we commit each day no one will stand.

Knowing that we are all unfinished projects we should not judge others. We may not know the reason for their actions. Despite all the things they do Jesus still loves them then who are we to judge them.

People should always feel comfortable around us. After all when Jesus was on earth he was with known sinners,  tax collectors etc. We should not make people feel uncomfortable around us, rather we should accept everyone and let God do his work in their lives.

Jesus loves you,

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