Something More than just Success

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Success can be termed or described as an event that accomplishes its intended purpose. From very young ages we all had dreams of what we wanted to be in future. Some wanted to be doctors, bankers, lawyers, etc. The society and the world we live influenced what we viewed as success and it in turn influenced our ambitions. Those aspirations become our goals and we try to achieve then to be 'successful'.

Come to think of it, what exactly does the world say success is? What is our view of success?
Well, it differs. As our faces are different so also are our aspirations and views of success. Let's take for example in a class you could have up to 30 students all with different goals. Some may feel that getting 75 out of a hundred is a pass mark and when they get it they are overjoyed but to another that score is terrible failure. Why is this so, you may ask, well its simple because of the different views of success. a new year and I know many of you have set your goals but I have one message for you, you can more than achieve your goals.
'Achievement is the knowledge that you have worked hard and done the best that is in you.'

Sometimes we set goals that are.too mediocre because we are afraid to push ourselves. Today, I am here to encourage you. Aim higher than your goal! You want to get a good score on a test then aim high. Don't just aim but push yourself. You may say oh I'm already the best at this and I do it well effortlessly, aim higher still. Don't remain where you were in 2018. Don't judge yourself by the number off goals you were able to achieve but by the amount of work you pushed yourself to do. Because lets face reality sometimes you will fail but if you know that you did your absolute best and you put in all the effort possible then you have truly achieved something for yourself.
Encourage yourself to push even harder. Even if you fail after all the effort you have still achieved because as I said earlier achievement is the knowledge that you have worked hard and done the best that is in you.
God didn't make you to succeed he made you for more, he made you to do the things the world hasn't seen before, he made you to be outstanding. The world has set this standard and said oh this is success no one has ever done better than this. Strive to be higher than the successful, strive to achieve the seemingly unachievable. You can do it! Nothing is undoable. Put in your best and let God do the rest because God is the factor which when added into an ordinary mans life he makes him or her supernatural, mindblowingly awesome and simply outstanding. When we talk about people like Martin Luther King, the Wright brothers, Walt Disney. These men had been told several times that their dreams were unachievable. No matter how had they tried they wouldn't succeed. Martin Luther King was discouraged by his fellow blacks who had no faith in him and were not ready to get out of their comfort zones. The Wright brothers probably lived all their lives hearing that it was impossible to fly because all that goes up will come down but they didn't let this stop them. They pushed themselves, they did their best and achieved the seemingly impossible. Walt Disney was a man that could not keep jobs. In fact he was once fired for lack of creativity he did not let that stop him. He did his best and today years after his death Disney is still arguably the best in producing children's movies and cartoons. Every inch of the earth knows his name because he did his best.

Today my message is very simple. I'm not saying don't succeed in the way the world views success I'm just informing you that you can do better than what the world perceives. Don't trap yourself by what makes sense and what the scientists say. Sometimes great wisdom lies in the seemingly stupid places. Even God uses the foolish things to confound the wise.

Believe in yourself,
Believe in God,
You can achieve.

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