Who are You

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Today, I want to ask everyone a question, who are you? Who do you confess you are. There is a common saying that goes as a man thinketh in his heart so he is.
Text:Mark 8:27-30
✓People know you by the attributes you potray. When Jesus asked his disciples who people say he is they associated him with people like John the Baptist, Elijah and other men of God. Why? They did so because they saw similar characters.
Things that determine who you are:
°Your association-There is a popular saying that goes; birds of the same feather flock together. When you stay close to people who are negative it's only a matter of time before you begin to be negative too. A simple illustration is this, if you live right next to a music store which always blasts the type of music you hate the most, one day you will uncontiously start singing that same song you hate so much. Why? Because your subconscious has become accustomed to it and without knowing it has been stored in your brain. This is the same thing that happens when you keep seeing wrong behavior. Soon you'll forget yourself and start practicing the very same things you hate.
°The words you speak - 'Out of the abondance of the heart the mouth speaketh.' People identify you by the words you speak. If you are always cursing and angry then they will probably call you a wicked person. Most times we don't understand the gravity of the things we say to each other all in the name of jokes. Something's are actually not funny but are really hurtful and we may try to hide it by laughing although we feel hurt. We should try to change the way we speak. Bless and encourage and dont to always use words like 'fool','f*ck you', etc.
°Your dressing- There is a saying that goes dress the wat you want to be addressed. Your dressing gives people the first impression about who you you are so it's always important to look good. Have the nice clothes qnd rock them. Take care of yourself and look good to attract people to you. Some Christian's have this mentality that christans can't wear in Vogue clothes but I feel like we should not only wear them but we should be the ones setting the trend for the rest of the world.
As a child of God who are you?
∆You are LOVED
∆You are more than a CONCERER
∆You are precious in his sight- matt10:29-31
∆Yoy are created in HIS IMAGE AND LIKENESS.
1. Find your calling and purpose. Without a purpose you are just like any other person. Find what makes you different.
How to find you purpose:
+Find out what you are good at and what you enjoy doing
+Ask God for help
+Ask people you trust for advice
2. Make goals for yourself based on your purpose and try to keep achieving them.
3. Don't give up because things will not always go the way you want. For example Wiskid was once a poor boy but with hard work today he is one of the most popular Nigerian musicians. Thomas Edison didn't give up when his several attempts at making the light bulb failed, he kept on trying.
4.Have faith in God and yourself.
5.Be humble enough to receive advice.
6.Put in extra effort. The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is the little EXTRA!
And also remember to give thanks to God when you achieve your goals.
Finally the answer to my earlier question
"Who are you?" Is you are who you want to be, you have the opportunity to make that choice. Be someone who is singled out of the crowd for good. Be that someone today!

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