God's view: Pornography

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Pornography is a huge problem in our generation. Many teens struggle with this toxic habit. Now more than ever porn is on the increase. Millions of people are hopelessly addicted to it. Even Christians.

What is pornography?
These are erotic videos, pictures or write up done to make sexual excitement.

The question I keep asking myself is why is porn such a big problem suddenly.
Why is it so rampant in our generation.

Pornography is very addictive, I know from experience. It scares you for life. The images are often very hard or even impossible to erase. It overtakes the person, and renders him/her unstable.
The want for sexual pleasure leads to many things. Masturbation, fornication the list goes on and on.

Pornography is one of the sins that God hates the most. It separates a man from God. It poisons the mind and overwhelms the soul. It is a terrible thing. But God always makes a way of escape for his own.

How to overcome pornography .
Go to God in prayer : This is the first and most important step in overcoming porn. God is ever willing to hear our problems just talk to him.  He said in his word that he will give us a comforter. Go to God in prayer and ask for the Holy Spirit. He will not allow you go through any temptation you can't handle. I hope someone is ready to make the same prayer and give God your whole life.

Open up to someone : Open up to someone. A friend, your pastor anyone you trust. I am always available if you need advice. The thing about pornography is that it is so secretive and I believe that to defeat it you have to end the secrecy and talk to someone who can help. Trust me it works.

Eliminate possible temptations: This is a very important step to take. The devil will not be happy about you overcoming porn so he will keep trying to tempt you. It can be through friends who you talk about porn with through shows you watch on TV. Anything that can pull you back should be avoided.

Get closer to God: In the Bible there is a story about what happened when a demon was cast out of a person. The person stayed empty and didn't bother to get close to God. In the end the demon came back and saw the place still empty he went and called his friends (7other demons more wicked than himself). The person was left worse than before. You should know that in other to overcome pornography you need God. He is the key. Not just for this but for all your problems. Hold unto him, He NEVER fails.
                                         Jesus loves you

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