The Man God Uses

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Introduction :
In the Bible God used many men. Many of them out of nothing or what men would see as failures, God decided to use them and they became great Menander women that we still talk about today.
Some examples of such people are:
......and many more.
One thing I asked myself when I thought of all these people is why did God choose them? Out of all the many people out there why did God choose them? What made them stand out, what made them different?
Well that's why this chapter is on the man God uses. We are going to be looking at a few of the men and women that I mentioned in this study.

So what was so special about Abraham that God even called him a righteous man. (Gen 15:6)
Why did God call him? Out of all the men in the world why did God choose him to be the father of all nations?
Have you ever thought of it?
Take a second and ask yourself.

✝️Abraham was an obedient man. He obeyed God in everything. Even before God had shown Abraham how faithful he was when God asked him to leave his home leave everything he knows and is used to and go to a place that he would show him, Abraham obeyed.
If it was you would you do it?
No, think about it, God in essence was asking him to just pack up his life everything he had worked for. His home, his family, his friends, everything... and just start walking without a destination (because literally Abraham did not know where he was going to)
He obeyed. He didn't think too much about it, he just obeyed.
Years later, when Abraham had finally had the son that he had waited for so long, God asked him to sacrifice the boy to him.
I dont know about you but if that was me, I'm pretty sure I won't be able to do that. But Abraham did not think about disobeying God. He had the faith that if God who had given him this son was to take him away, it was all going to turn out for his good.
So he obeyed and God saw his heart....and used him greatly. We know the rest of the story.

So what was so special about Paul?
Most of the new Testerment of the Bible was written by him. He performed many miracles and was a great pillar in the early church.

So what was it about him?
Paul was a persecutor of Christians. In fact he went out of his way to make sure he wiped Christianity off the face of the earth so why did God decide to use him still?

✝️Paul had zeal. Even though this zeal was directed at the wrong curse. He felt that what he was doing was right and that he was defending God. After his encounter with Jesus (what I like to call divine arrest😅) he made sure he used the same will power or even more to propagate the gospel. He went on missionary journeys to several places, preaching the gospel of Jesus the one who he once fought against.
Even after his arrest he still made sure that he preached the gospel and wrote letters to help the church.
He was transformed into a total radical for Christ. His whole life was preaching the gospel and God used him, God used his zeal.

Now for those girls out there thinking oh... Its only men that God uses I have to break it to you... You are totally wrong.
Let's talk about a woman now shall we☺.
Esther is someone who you can't not fail to talk about when you think of the history of Israel. She is someone you just have to mention because she made a great impact.
God used her.

Esther was a young and beautiful woman. So when the king and his wife had issues, the king decided that he needed to get a new wife. He organized a beauty pageant and the most beautiful woman was to be made his next queen.
Esther was one of the many women brought to the king yet she was the only one that caught his eye. She became the queen. Her uncle, Mordecai was her closest confident so when the news of the decree of the king came he went straight to her. After hearing the awful news she started a fast. She didn't eat anything and she prayed. After this on the third day of her fast, she approached the king. He allowed her to speak and even told her that anything she wished for would be given to her. She organized a destination for the king and Haman the man who was persecuting the Jews.
So the next day she went back to the king and told him her request. The king was quick to react and rewarded Mordecai greatly. The Jews were safe.

So what made her so special?
Why did the king have to choose her to marry?
✝️Esther had what I like to call the grace of deliverance. Apart from that she did not forget her people even after getting to the palace.

So we all know how Peter was during Jesus' death. He denied him, not once but 3times. But this same man who denied Jesus and was intimidated by a little girl was the same person who preached and so many people because Christians after the Pentecost.

So what was so good about Peter?
✝️Peter was bold. Even though he denied Jesus after that Pentecost he was transformed into this bold man who was not afraid to do anything for the gospel. His boldness helped him to achieve great things.

Elisha was the servant or right hand man or assistant to Elijah. He witnessed the great miracles God used Elijah to do. He wished to have the same grace. So when it was time for Elijah to go to heaven, he asked for a double of Elijah's spirit to become his successor.
This he did. He performed exactly times two of what Elijah did. But the was his own servant, Gehazi who in turn should have inherited from him but because of his greed and pride was unable to do so.

So what was it about Elisha?
✝️Elisha was humble. He followed his master to the very end. He was never wavered by anything unlike Gehazi.

So now as a Christian if you are:
Obedient like Abraham,
Full of zeal like Paul,
Possessing the grace to deliver like Esther,
Bold like Peter,
A humble follower like Elisha
If you possess all God will definitely use you. Not forgetting that all these people where available and ready to answer the call of God.
If you need these qualities and more you can get them. Just make a simple prayer to God now. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you and make you into the kind of person that God will love to use.

Wow, that was long. 😀
Well it's quite easy to write when you have inspiration.
Thanks for reading.
Please share and check out my other book on bible scriptures for teens.
Thank you so much and God bless you
Happy Sunday 😆
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