Chapter 4

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"After working all night, I've debugged everything." Cam informed his friends as they stood outside of the school gates. It was the second day of a two day field trap to the near by ponds. Alexei and Cam agreed the night before that Kya should continue working with Cam for the reminder of the assignment. They just had to stay away from Mr. Z or else they'd have to explain why Kya and Alexei weren't with their partners. "Emi shouldn't have any problems contacting us, now."

Alexei entertained himself by flipping a coin. "Off to the desert sector after school?" Rarely did they enter Lyoko without a tower being activated. It offered X.A.N.A. the chance to attack them with more monsters. While a tower was activated, X.A.N.A.'s foucs and power is spilt in half. One half used the tower to attack the real world, while the other used monsters to defend the tower of the Lyoko Defenders. "For once, we'll have the upper hand."

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Alexei." Kya added, "We still don't know if a Key is really there. We're only going to explore and check everything out." She didn't want to get her hopes up. They'd been fighting X.A.N.A. for nearly a year and were still no closer to finding all the keys nor materizaling Emi. What the guys didn't know is that Emi and Kya had agreed to shut down the supercomputer once they'd recovered all of the keys. This would allow the group peace from X.A.N.A. and Cam to take his time in creating the materizaltion program. Once the program was complete, they'd restart the supercomputer one final time.

"Today, we'll be going to the pond in the near by park." Mr. Z announced, earning cheers from the students. "Keep the energy up, we'll be walking to the park." Mr. Z lead the way, while his students groaned and complained. The park was about a ten mintue walk from the school. However, it was an unsually hot day. By the time they reached the pond, most of the class was dipping with sweat. "Same rules as yesturday. Stay with your partner, explore and take notes, and meet here within thirty mintues."

Several pairs took the chance to espace the heat and seek shelter. Mara was among them, as she was already dragging Alexei to the closest shade. Kya crossed her arms and started for the pond, when Cam stopped her. "Mara has the right idea, it's to hot. Let's rest for a bit, before going down to the pond." Kya didn't want to agree (Mara didn't need a bigger ego) but she was melting from the heat. Nodding, she let Cam take her hand and lead her over to rest of the class.

"We're hanging out after school,right?" Mara cuddled up to Alexei on the bench, getting closer then nessacry. "You did run out on me, yesturday." She pouted, trying to make Alexei feel guilty."

"Sorry, Mara." Alexei's eye slightly twitched, as he thought what to say. "I've already got plans with Cam and Kya. But your welcome to join us." He added that last part, knowing Mara refused to willingly be around Kya.

"No, thanks. I just remembered Ally wanted to go shopping." Mara lied, not wanting to disappoint Alexei. Cam she could be around, without getting to annoyed. Kya, her figure skating rival, was a different story. She was already compared to Kya while skating, she didn't need that at school as well. "How about we just have lunch?"

"Can't." Alexei said, until Mara glared at him. "Can't wait to have lunch with you." He quickly added. He had planned on spending lunch in the nearby forest chatting with Emi. Emi hadn't contacted him the night before, since she and Cam had to debug the supercomputer.

Further away, Kya nearly coughed watching Alexei and Mara. "He really is a good friend. We should give him a badge of honor."

"Your forgetting that Alexei actually likes spending time with her." Cam glanced up, to found Mara now hugging Alexei. "He's to blind to see that she's a royal brat."


Emi's POV

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