Chapter 9

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"Mara get up, we're going to be late." Ally called for the third time. Every morning it was the same thing, Mara refusing to wake up and them having to race to make it to class on time. Ally wanted to leave Mara, letting her best friend get detetion for being late. Lucky for Mara, Ally didn't want to deal with her friend's temperantrume. "Girl, get up!"

"Go away..." Mara's voice came out as guff. "I don't feel well."

Rolling her eyes, Ally yanked the covers off her friend. "Your going to bio. No matter how much you hate working with Kya. I'm not going to listen to your wincing about failing another test." Being roommates, might Ally was use to Mara's tricks and shcemes. At least once a week, Mara complained something was wrong, trying to avoid certain classes. Allowing Mara to get away with it, would cause more trouble for Ally then forcing the girl into attending class. Since Ally's older cousin was the princpal of the school, he often checked in with Ally, making sure Mara was keeping her grades up and staying out of trouble. Mara's family did donate alot to the school each year. So why wouldn't they want to check on their only daugther?

"Ally, stop." Mara pleas were useless, as Ally threw an outfit and a towel at her. "I'm not going to class. Just go without me." During the night, she had begun feeling nause and dizzy. Getting out of bed required energy she didn't have. Speaking, only made the nause worst. 

Frusated, Ally yanked Mara into a sitting position. "Oh no you don't. The last time you were 'sick' you went shopping." Pulling Mara up, she shoved a towel and clothes into Mara's arms. "March straight into the shower. You've got ten mintues. Or I'm dragging you out." 

As Ally pushed her towards the door, Mara's vison began to blur. Direct shapes, became blobs and unregzionable. Ally's voice grew distant and feint, as did the senseation of her grip on Mara. " Ally. I'm.." Mare pitfully tried pleading, her words coming out slurred. "st....-" Heat flared through her body, making her skin flushed red. Ally firm grip, suddenly grew scolding hot. Mara yelped in pain from her head throbbing, as she stumbled.

Falling Mara stumble, Ally saw the other girl fall to the girl. "Mara?" Gently touching Mara's shoulder, Ally was shocked by how hot the skin was. Brushing Mara's brown hair back, Ally on her friend. Concerned, Ally quickly got her cell to call her cousin.


Kya's POV:

"What's going on in the girls' dorm?" Lynn asked, as he walked over with Cam. It was rare to see Cam before breakfast, since he lived off campus. Something tells me, he must've spent the night in the manison, then snuck over to Lynn's dorm to borrow an outfit. This wouldn't be unusal, since Cam perfered working in the lab where there were no distactions. While Tiya allowed the boys alot of freedom, Cam walking in after midnight would rise alot of questions.

"Mara's being taken to the hosptial." I answered. "Ally called the prinpal this morning, something about Mara being 'sick'." Mara was known among the students as a drama queen. Most of the teachers only saw her as a 'model student'. Not the spoil brat she truly is. Anytime Mara said she was sick, most of the time they believed her. What is it about rich kids that allows them to get their way?

"Maybe her ego finally got to big for her head." Cam joked. "Either way, we'll miss breakfast if we stay here." Following Cam, we headed to breakfast. The cafetria was more crowded then usual. Most of the commuters rarely came early like Cam and Alexei did for the school's breakfast. However, on special days, everyone came. Instead of the usual eggs, toast, and other breakfast foods. Today's speical was a complete Japanese style breakfast. The school encouraged multiculture relationships and understanding. This was reflected in several ways throughout the the school. Often, the school provide different foods and meals from around the world. Several times a month, a speical meuns replaces the regluar one. When the happens, the caferteia usually runs out of food. Every single student who attends Kanna Academy eagly awaits these days. If you arrive last, your only options will be the food the that is regurally served. 

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