How You Met

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(Y/N) walked up to the door of the towering dark building and composed her/himself before stepping inside. The quartz floor was pristine and reflected (Y/N)'s nervous look. He/she relaxed and walked up to the dark wooden desk, asking the receptionist about Hailee Steinfeld.

The older woman smiled and wrote down a room number and the floor. He/she thanked her and walked to the elevator, pushing the up button. The double doors opened and revealed an empty, mirrored elevator. (Y/N) stepped in and gripped frantically at the railings as the elevator swiftly moved up.

When the doors opened, a tall, brunette was on the other side. (Y/N)'s heart stopped working when he/she realized it was the Hailee Steinfeld. She looked up at (Y/N) and smiled.

"Hey, (Y/N)! I'm just missing you, but I'll see you tomorrow." Her cheerful voice matched her adorable grin as the doors shut with (Y/N) on the outside. He/she turned around and smiled. A laugh erupting from his/her throat.

"Holy crap! I just meet Hailee Steinfeld!" He/she whispered to her/himself. "And she looked hella gorgeous, mental note." He/she stuffed his/her hands in the pockets of his/her hoodie and slowly strolled to the recording room.

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