First Kiss Pt. 2

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The first thing I remembered when I woke up was how much alcohol I actually had consumed the previous night. My entire body ached as I reached my hand up to my face. A long, scratchy groan left my throat as I attempted to fully open my eyes and see where I was.

That's always when I realized I didn't exactly know where I was. Shit, this isn't good, I thought to myself and squinted at the bright light in the room.

After building up enough energy, I sat up and let out another pained groan. My eyes scanned the room. It was a nice room, not a hotel since there was a lot of blankets and a lot of clothes. And the balcony—that was letting way too much light—had half a dozen plotted plants and a very cute table with notebooks and coffee mugs all over.

That's when the horrible thought crossed my mind. What if I had a one night stand? Those were usually the worst when you had to face the person the next morning and even worse when you were hungover.

So with what little confidence I actually have, I threw my legs over the side of the bed and shakily stood up. Thankfully I was still in my underwear and my clothes were neatly folded on the nightstand beside the bed. I quickly pulled up my pants and pulled on my sweatshirt.

I started to go down the hallway that led to a room that looked like a living room. The room looked oddly familiar, which made the uneasiness in my stomach worsen. When I reached the end of the hall, I leaned against the wall. An extremely familiar figure sat on the couch, her eyes watching television and her hands wrapped around a steaming mug.

"Hailee?" I asked the girl, my voice gruff and scratchy, "what happened last night?" She set the mug down on the coffee table in front of her and stood up. I watched her face, looking for any sign of anger or discomfort of my presence.

"You don't remember?" Her voice rang loudly in my ears making me wince and shake my head slightly. She sighed lightly and grabbed my arm, pulling me into the kitchen. It was a nice kitchen with stainless steel appliances, gray cabinets and quartz countertops, but Hailee did always have good decorating skills. I sat at one of the metal barstools and rubbed my forehead with my fingers.

"So you remember nothing?" Hailee asked again, grabbing a glass from the cabinet.

"I remember that there was alcohol," I replied with a smirk.

"So you don't remember us dancing," she said and started to fill up the glass with water. "Or us kissing? Or you crawling into my bed?"

That's when memories from last night started to flash in my mind. The uneasiness worsened to the max and my stomach seemed to be doing cartwheels. "Oh, my god."

"Yeah," Hailee replied and set the glass in front of me. "You were really drunk."

"Well, to be honest, Hails, I do like you," I started sheepishly, "I just didn't have the guts to tell you or, uh, you know, kiss you. Till I got drunk apparently." Hailee let out a humored gasp and walked around to me, her arms then wrapped around my neck.

"Why were you so nervous?" She asked, her sudden flirtatiousness shocking me. I shrugged my shoulders as blood rushed to my face. But after my wave of self-doubt washed away, I boldly wrapped my arms around her waist. We looked at each other for a moment before softly kissing.

A smile instantly spread on my lips through the entire magical kiss making Hailee grin softly as well. I placed a hand on her cheek and kissed her gently again and again till we were both giggling wildly.

"Come on, take some pain meds before we make out some more," she said with a small laugh then grabbed the stuff she had set out on the counter. I swallowed the pills before turning back to her.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are," I said with a cheeky smile. She closed her eyes and shook her head lightly as she blushed. As she began to pull me back to her living room, I repeated myself, "you are beautiful, Ms. Steinfeld. Don't forget it."

"And have I ever told you how cheesy you are? Don't forget that," she replied back. We sat down on the couch and the sudden change in position made me realize that I was still hungover. My head throbbed for a good solid minute before I could open my eyes fully.

When I looked down at the new pressure added on my chest, I saw Hailee nestled into my side with her blanket and mug of coffee in her hands. Her soft, brown hair sprawled all over my shoulder as she rested her head on my collarbone. I laid my head on hers and smiled in pure happiness.

"Let's just stay here all day," I whispered. Hailee smiled to herself and took a sip of her coffee.

"Sounds good to me."

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