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To the person who requested this, I'm sorry it took so long. Hope this can make up for the long wait 😁


It was a calm Sunday night. I was sitting in bed with the tv on playing the office in the background. Hailee was in the bathroom getting ready for bed by drying her freshly washed hair. She was wearing her casual shorts and tank top, so occasionally I would sneak glances at my beautiful girlfriend and admire her perfect figure, but she would catch my gaze each time.

I hadn't realized that I had fallen asleep until a smell jolted me awake. Then I was meet by screams. I threw my legs over the side of the bed and ran to Hailee who was still in the bathroom.

Standing in front of me was Hailee, but instead of her calm, smiling face, I found her with a panicked look frantically trying to put out the small fire that had originated from her burned hair dryer.

"What the hell?" I asked frantically and ran into the kitchen to grab the fire extinguisher. When I got back, her shorts were on the floor and only a small spark remained. Just to be safe, I sprayed it with the extinguisher. I dropped the red metal tube and pulled Hailee into my arms tightly.

"I'm so sorry Y/N," she said as tears streamed down her face. It was a small fire, but it could have ended very badly. I kissed her shoulder and then her neck then up to her forehead. When she was calmed down, I started to clean up the bathroom.

"Hailee, you know I love you right?" I asked her and leaned against the doorframe. A smile appeared on her sweet face as she nodded. "Good. Okay, so another quick question: how the hell did you start a fire with a blow dryer?"

She sunk back into bed. I walked over together side and sat down beside her. She grabbed my hand and looked up at me, her eyes seeming too innocent for what had just happened.

"I don't know. Please don't be mad," her voice began to break silently. It seemed to have shaken her up pretty badly, so I sighed and ran my other hand up and down the side of her leg. She smiled gently but winced slightly from pain. "I think I burned myself."

"No shit, Sherlock," I smirked and stood up. Under our bathroom sink was a small bottle of aloe Vera. I cleaned up the rest of the bathroom before grabbing the aloe gel, ice water, and a washcloth.

As I wiped her burn, which was about six inches long, she kept her gaze on my sweaty face with her adorable heart eyes. She was looking very grateful as I had finally applied the aloe to her cooled off burn. As I laid down on the bed, I realized that Hailee was still not wearing any shorts.

"Do you need something to wear?" I asked her. She rolled over to face me and shot me a confused look.

"You want me to put more clothes on? When did this start?" She asked and pulled me closer. I chuckled and ran my hand up to her cheek. She sighed in content and pecked my lips gently. I wanted to keep the kiss going, but that could wait for when she wasn't burned and nearly killed.

"We should just stay home all tomorrow. And if you heal miraculously, then we can continue this." I said in a low voice and kissed her again. She slung her legs over the side of the bed and walked out of the bedroom. I sat up and leaned back on my elbows. Hailee walked back in with a thin washcloth tapped strangely to her leg. She stood in a superhero pose and gave me her sexiest grin.

"Or we could just not stop," she whispered as she started to step closer to me. I smirked at her as she sat on my side of the bed.

"You sure?" I asked, just to be safe. She nodded her head and placed her knees on either sides of my body. I pulled her down to meet my lips and the night had just begun.

Hailee Steinfeld ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now