Dating Hailee Would Include

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- constant cuddling
- she loves to have her arms around you where ever you are and she won't let go
- she gets especially clingy when you've been apart for longer than about three hours
- you always say yes to her cause her puppy dog eyes are your weakness
- even if she asks you to go workout with her, you say yes
- you're each other's biggest supporters
- you are there for every movie, music video, tv show, song production
- and vice versa
- she's your personal cheerleader
- but at home she LOVES cooking with you
- and baking
- and cleaning
- you always remind her that she will make a great mother
- she has a list of baby names in her phone and gets so excited over them
- she's basically the sweetest little bean ever with constant smiles and giggles
- and you both know that you're gonna be married one day soon

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2020 ⏰

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