First "I love you"

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I'm basing this family on my own, so I'm sorry if it doesn't fit yours. But it's just the basic couple of guy and girl cousins, couple of aunts and uncles, and one grandma. But I used random names so.....enjoy


It was the first time Hailee would be meeting my family. She had meet my parents and siblings, but now it was the whole Y/L/N clan. And knowing your family, they weren't going to go easy on her.

"I think you're more nervous than I am," Hailee spoke up from beside me in the car. That's when I noticed my left hand that was on the steering wheel was turning white at the knuckles. I tried to loosen my grip on the leather but it didn't help the pressure that pushed down on my chest.

I knew they were going to love her, since almost everybody does. But it was still scary and my family is known to embarrass me as often as possible, so....yay! Right?

"Breathe, Y/N," Hailee said and took deep breaths mockingly. I chuckled nervously and looked around the street. We were close to my parents house, so I slowed the car's speed and pulled up to the curb. I realized all the cars that were cluttering the street and knew the house was going to be packed.

I turned the car off and stepped out quickly, trying to make it to Hailee swiftly. She had her door open and I could see her beautiful outfit clearly now. Hailee was wearing her favorite high-waisted jeans with a tucked in black long sleeved shirt and my old leather jacket. She had her long hair down and light makeup on which made her look as beautiful as ever. "What?" She asked quietly, catching me admiring her.

"You're just so beautiful," I whispered a placed a soft kiss on her lips. She blushed a deep red and grabbed my hand. I kept taking deep breaths as we walked up to the front door. "Ready?"

"Always," she said playfully with her warm smile. When I opened the door, multiple pairs of eyes darted to us. I instantly felt a pair of hands pull me inside.

"Y/N!" A deep voice said and I realized it was my Uncle Robbie. He pulled me into a warm hug and then pushed me back roughly with his hand on my shoulder. "Where the hell have you been all these months?"

"Work. Work has been kicking my ass recently," I chuckled and felt that warm feeling of home as I took in all of my relatives' faces. My Aunt Maggie, Uncle Robbie's wife, appeared beside him. Her thin arms wrapped around me tightly and she squealed.

"You've gotten to skinny," she commented and placed a warm hand on my cheek, "you're momma's gonna be mad at whoever's been cooking for you." I chuckled and nodded my head.

"I'll let my cook know," I said jokingly. Both of them looked to the girl beside me with slight confused expressions. "Oh, Uncle Robbie, Aunt Maggie, this is my girlfriend Hailee." I said and gestures to the brunette.

"Hi, it's so great to meet you two." Hailee said kindly with soft handshakes. My aunt gave me a genuine ear-to-ear smile and started to compliment Hailee vigorously. Hailee got extremely flushed from all their kind words.

"Alright, alright, we'll catch up later," I said and started to push Hailee into the kitchen where almost everyone was. Uncle Robbie gave me a small thumbs up before he turned back to my aunt. Hailee turned to me as we reached the small hallway that connected the entrance to the kitchen.

"They were really nice," she whispered and wrapped an arm around my waist. I pulled her closer and placed a kiss on her forehead.

Hailee Steinfeld ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz