Comforting Her After a Breakup

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The past year had been the hardest year to endure. With the stress of touring and having to keep a smile on my face while knowing that Hailee was dating someone else. That was the absolute worst part of everything. It was November and they were still together.

Thankfully tour gave me an excuse to ignore Hailee while she was out flaunting her perfect relationship. I guess that sounds rude, but I was still bitter over what happened between us.

When Hailee started dating Niall back in 2017, I had a small talk with him. It was the usual talk that started with "if you ever hurt my best friend, I'll chop your manhood off." When he told Hailee about our conversation, she turned on me for some reason. She screamed at me saying I had no right interfering with her relationship. When I tried convincing her that I was just trying to establish some healthy fear in the guy, Hailee basically kicked me out of her apartment.

Ever since then, we hadn't really talked like we used to. Our relationship now could be summed up by the Charlie Puth and Selena Gomez song, "We Don't Talk Anymore". But I was too busy on tour to truly try. But I would be lying if I said I hadn't been thinking about her every second of every day since I last saw her. Hailee has tried to text me but I always responded with brief answers, not trying to start real conversations.

But it hurt. Hailee was my best friend but she was also the girl I was practically in love with. We've been friends ever since we were both about seventeen years old. I was her date to both Pitch Perfect premiers and I was always the first person to listen to her albums. And now she's gone.

But now that I'm back in LA, Hailee planned for us to meet up. She wanted us to meet up at her place. And, call me crazy, she sounded as if she was crying on the call but I convinced myself I was just imagining it.

So I mentally prepared myself for seeing her again after all these months and got dressed, remembering to wear Hailee's favorite jean jacket. I grabbed my wallet, phone, and AirPods before heading out the door. I climbed into my black BMW and started driving out to her house.

It didn't take very long so I was there within about twenty minutes. Hailee's car was parked in the driveway which was odd since she hated when it got dirty. But I brushed it off and went to the front door. After ringing the doorbell, it only took her a minute to reach the door.

When she opened the door, my heart dropped. Hailee's whole face was red. She had tears running down her puffy cheeks and her hair was far from neat.

"Hailee?" I asked, my mind quickly forgetting all the pain she caused me. "What happened?" But she didn't respond, all she did was grab my wrist and pull me into her body, wrapping her arms securely around my neck. I was taken aback by how forward she was being but instantly hugged her back tightly. My arms were around her waist as my head rested against hers.

I closed the door with my foot and sighed, embracing in her warmth and presence again. She sniffled a few times a quickly pulled back out of my arms.

"I'm sorry. I'm crying all over you," she said and walked to grab a tissue from the table. I followed her and stood in front of her, waiting for an explanation.

"What happened, Hailz?" I asked, not an ounce of bitterness left in my body as I looked at the girl I loved. She dabbed at her eyes and sniffled again.

"He cheated on me," she said in a fragile voice. I dropped my head, feeling my blood begin to boil. But I fought the urge to say "I told you so" and wrapped my arms around her once again, knowing how much she needed the comfort.

"I'm sorry, Hailee. I'm so, so sorry." I mumbled against her shoulder. "He didn't deserve you in the first place. If you want me to go kick his ass, just say the word and I'll do it."

"That's very tempting but I don't want you to go to jail," she giggled lightly and rested her head on my chest. I held her tighter and rested my cheek on the crown of her head. "Thank you for coming over. I know I haven't been a good friend lately."

"Me neither," I admitted and let out a small chuckle. "But I could never say no to you."

"I'm sorry that I shut you out. My mind was so clouded but I just want you to know that I couldn't imagine my life without you," she said in a soft voice. My heart melted at her words, but the hurt lingered. 

"Why, though? Why shut me out?" I asked, wanting real answers. We both pulled back and looked at each other. I saw her beautiful eyes now heavy with sadness and exhaustion. Her face wasn't as puffy anymore, but the faint trail of tears still lingered. 

"I was just scared, I guess." She answered. "Y/N,  I don't ever want to lose you so I decided that it would be best to bury my feelings and try to make it with someone else. At least as a distraction till I finally got over you."  

"Wait," I furrowed my eyebrows in complete confusion. "You have feelings for me?" My breathing hitched in my throat as I looked back at Hailee, waiting for her answer. Her face went red and her eyes lingered over my face. 

"I mean," she paused for a second to take a breath. "Y/N, I'm-I'm in love with you. I'm still in love with you even after all this time." 

"Hailee," I sighed. I wanted nothing more than to kiss her. Kiss her soft and sweet so that she knew that somebody loved her more than life itself. So that she forgot about Niall and only knew what real love felt like. I wanted to hug her so tight that she forgot about all her problems. And I wanted to make her laugh so hard she was crying with joy and not sadness. 

So I did. I cupped her soft, red cheeks in both my palms and slowly pulled her closer to me. Our lips met and suddenly I felt all my stress evaporate off of me. It was just her and I standing in her house together. Just like it should be forever. 

It was a short kiss, but it was perfect in every form of the word. I slid my hands down to her waist and held her close. When we both pulled away, I felt Hailee's fingers slid up into my hair and pull gently so that she could see my face. A satisfied smile was on both of our faces as we looked at each other. 

"I love you," I whispered to her. "And I want to be with you more than anything, but I think you need time to heal. Because you and I both know that breakups are rough. But I'm gonna be here for you every step of the way. And in a couple of months, I'm gonna take you out on a real date," I smirked at her, making her grin. 

"You're right. You are not going to be my rebound," she nodded innocently to herself. I smiled at her with absolute adoration in my eyes and kissed her forehead. Hailee blushed and pulled me down to her level so that we locked lips again. I eagerly returned the kiss and tightened my grip on her waist, but pulled back after a couple of seconds. 

"I thought I wasn't going to be your rebound," I joked with her and rested my forehead on hers. She giggled and cupped my jaw with her right hand. 

"You're not but I've wanted to do that for years now and I'm not wasting any time," she said with an adorable grin. Although I loved her and her cute face, I knew that I had to be the strong one and put my foot down. 

"Hailz?" I asked more seriously. She pouted and rested her head on my chest. 

"Fine, I won't kiss you," she mumbled but then shot her head back up. "For a week. And then it's free for all. Deal?" I smirked at her proposition and nodded my head. 

"You got it, gorgeous." 


sorry that was a little bit cringey but hope you enjoyed it. <3 btw stay safe guys! wash your hands and don't go crazy buying toilet paper! just stay home, try to relax, and stay healthy!!

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