Working Late

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Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines....

No matter how hard you tried you could never escape them, but the last week had been rough. You had gotten a new boss and he wasn't going to let you half ass anything. And, of course, you wanted to impress him so you worked almost four extra hours when you would get home.

The one most affected, besides you, was your girlfriend, Hailee. She was used to you working late some nights but not four days in a row. She understood how stressful work can be, but hated going to bed without you next to her.

After ten minutes of sleeping in the cold, lonely bed, Hailee decided to go and collect you. She was wearing a simple tank top with her shorts that you would consider underwear, so she wrapped her favorite blanket around her shoulders and started toward your study.

When she found you, you were facing away from your desk in your leather swivel chair looking out the window. It was past eleven so the millions of stars were faintly visible from your large study. You heard the sound of Hailee opening the French doors, but didn't turn to face her till she was standing beside you.

It didn't take her long before she was sitting down in your lap and wrapping her arms around your neck securely. You knew that she was probably feeling lonely after all the late nights, so you took a deep breath and accepted your defeat.

"You know me too well," you spoke in a soft whisper. She looked down from the stars and at you. Her eyes told you how much she longed for you to follow her to bed.

"Well, you're pretty predictable." She mumbled and rested her head on your shoulder. A small chuckle escaped your lips before placing a kiss on her jawline. "When are you coming to bed?"

You knew that question was coming sooner or later, so you took a deep breath and stood up with her in your arms. Hailee yelped in surprise before gripping onto your shoulders tighter and kissing your lips lightly.

"I guess now would be a good time," you replied and hit the lights on your way out of the office space. She giggled lightly and quickly fell asleep in your arms.

Hailee Steinfeld ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now