Chapter 30: Cana Isn't Drunk? It's a Miracle!

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When Mirajane and I returned to the guild hall after collecting everything on Mira's shopping list, it had settled down.

Haru and Juvia were no longer trying to rip each other's faces off. Gray was still slumped in his chair, now looking relieved at the absence of the two love-rivals.

"Where'd they go?" I asked Natsu as I headed over to stand next to him, Lucy and a miraculously not drunk Cana.

"Eh? Oh. Juvia and Haru? They decided they wanted to hold a competition to win Gray's passion," Cana replied in a bored voice. I slid into the empty seat next to her.

"Didn't they run off to try make themselves look 'beautiful' for Gray about ten minutes ago?" Lucy wondered. Cana gave her an affirmative nod.

"I wonder when they'll be ba-" I started to ask, but I was abruptly cut off by the guild doors banging open again.

Gray turned and gave us a 'PLEASE HELP ME' look as Haru and Juvia pranced back in.

"This should be interesting..." I muttered, swivelling around in my chair so I was facing backwards in my seat to watch.

"Gray-sama, who do you think looks more attractive?" Juvia asked, a slight hint of desperation evident in her tone.

"Gray, please answer truthfully..!" Haru purred. Both women converged on the poor ice mage.

"What the hell..?!" Natsu spluttered. Lucy face palmed.

"KILL ME NOW!" Gray squawked.

(A/n: I dunno lol)

I deposited the seventh and eighth cups of booze in front of Haru and Juvia.

Luckily, more so for Gray than anyone else, the two love-rivals were totally now totally drunk. Juvia was silently crying over her cup, like she always did when drunk, whereas Haru was snoring loudly.

"Thanks, you guys..." Gray muttered. I paused on my way back from dumping the discarded cups in the bad sink.

"Don't thank me," I replied, "Mira came up with the idea of getting those two out of commission for a while."

Lucy frowned grimly, "I'll talk to them. To be honest, they could be more open in their current state. Who knows, maybe I could convince them to stop their annoying fighting?"

"That isn't going to work on those drama queens..." May rolled her eyes. Wendy poked the exceed.

"May! That's not that nice!" The blue-haired dragon slayer protested.

"Thank you for those incredibly supportive words of comfort, May!" Lucy growled sarcastically.

"Don't worry, Luce! You can do it!" Natsu smiled.

Happy flapped down to Natsu, "You looooove her!"

Lucy and Natsu blushed bright red and responded in perfect unison, "Shut it, cat!"

Gray looked imploringly at Lucy, "I would be glad for any chance to shut the two of them up!"

"Back off, Droopy Eyes. Lucy is mine," Natsu scowled. As awkward silence followed, in which Natsu seemed to realise what he said, and he and Lucy turned an even deeper shade of scarlet.

"I'll be off now..." Lucy muttered. She hurried off, still blushing so hard I expected steam to billow out of her ears. Natsu face-palmed.

"I can tell you're a little upset, so I'll actually be a good sister for once and NOT tease you about this..." I said quietly.

Five minutes later, Lucy stormed back to our table and glared at each of us in turn. She was covered head to toe in a brown liquid, which, judging from the smell, was booze.

"Lucy-san! What happened?!" Wendy asked, horrified, grabbing a napkin off the table and handing it to Lucy.

"I woke up Haru to try reason with her, and she dumped her drink on me before going back to sleep!" The Celestial Mage fumed.

Gray leaned forward.

"What about Juvia? What did she do?" He asked. Lucy shot him a side-long glance.

"She's still an emotional wreck. You know how it is when she's drunk..." She murmured.

"You should probably head home before Haru and Juvia regain their senses," I sighed at Gray. He stood wearily.

"You're probably right. Thanks," Gray mumbled, standing and hurrying out of the guild.

"Did he seriously just say 'Thanks' to us?" Natsu asked incredulously. I got to my feet, shoving my chair back.

"Y'know what? I'm heading off home, too. I'm tired after running back and forth with drinks for an hour," I yawned, then slouched towards the door like a sloth. May dropped down onto my head with an evil giggle.

"You are so not helping."

"I know," my exceed partner replied serenely.

"Hey, Skie! Wait up!"

I paused, waiting so Lucy could catch up with me.

"I need to go back to my apartment for a shower...!" She stretched, then pulled a sour face, "But I still have to go do some grocery shopping first..."

"I'll be coming through your window in ten minutes, Lucy," Natsu informed her as he walked past. I raised my eyebrows and smiled.

"Oh no he doesn't!" Lucy growled as she ran down the street, "Time to lock the windows!"

I waved after her, then set a beeline for Fairy Hills.

It didn't take long to get there. My room was on the second floor. The moment I got in, I turned on the bath, dumped May in the warm bubbles, then flopped down across my bed.

"Ohhhhhh.... This bed is my bae..." I muttered.

"YOU WILL PAY FOR MAKING ME GO IN THE WATER WITHOUT WARNING, YOU EVIL HUMAN!" May yelled in defiance, shaking droplets of water all over me and the bed as she rocketed around the room.

I jumped up, flailing my arms about wildly.

"RUIN THE MOMENT, WHY DON'T YOU?!" I laughed. May cackled evilly, and went in search of a towel.

I turned away and looked out the window beside my bed. The afternoon sunlight bathed the town in golden light.

"I wonder if it's time yet..." I murmured.

"Probably," May responded from the doorway, "It starts in ten minutes!"


I tripped over my own feet as I stumbled over to my wardrobe.

"We can't be late!" I panicked, snatching up my jumper, before rushing down and out of Fairy Hills.

"There!" May called as we ran down the streets. We skidded to a half outside a large wooden doorway. Lights streamed out of the windows above.

May basically body slammed the door to open it, ignoring the grouchy looking land-lady's protest as the brown exceed flew past her.

"Sorry!" I told the lady as I hurried up the stairs, "We don't want to be late!"

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