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     Then the other one was from the Junhao  couple saying.
——————— JunHao couple ———————-
: Minghao wants you to meet someone tomorrow at two o'clock in the afternoon.  Meet  me and Minghao at the restaurant near the Monsta X cafe. ~Jun

:No I have better stuff to do
So Fuck off ~Woozi

:Like what? Bro please. It will mean a lot to Haoie!!! \\\٩(๑'^'๑)۶////~Jun

:Be fat the whole day and
Try to binge watch One Punch

: Still No. Jun N-O ~ Woozi

: Dude why are you always so negative.
Boooo No one likes negative people. (*'Д`*)

: Come on Woozi I swear if you come then I'll buy you something what ever you'll like or anything that will please youuuuuu!!!!!=(^.^)= ~ Jun

After I saw the fourth message. I had a small little conflict between myself and my mind. Hey Jun is letting me do anything that ask or want. But the bad thing is what if Jun is tricking me to go to shop with Seungkwan and Seokmin again.

Man you don't know what Jun would do. But again if I go out I WILL HAVE TO socialize. Man thinking about makes me quiver. Then again Jun said he will do anything to make me go out and meet Minghao's friend. When I made up my mind I thought sure why not. Plus I don't have anything to do tomorrow. When I got done I picked up my phone and texted the JunHao couple.  Saying that I'll meet them in the restaurant.

After I sended the message I felt that my eyes started to get heavy, making me bundle up and go into a peaceful deep sleep.

: The Next Day:

" Ahh-Honey!! Look Joshua look at our son!" "Your right Jeonghan Woozi does look cute when he sleeps." After Joshua said that I tried to open my eyes. When I did , I saw Jeonghan and Joshua tidying my room. Moving one thing to here and there. When I moved my body to left side. So I could face my back to  both of them. When I did. Jeonghan, he shook me off of the bed.

  "Jeonghan! I was comfortable sleeping!!" As I was whining Jeonghan cut me off by saying. " Woozi it's 1:34 and your going to spend time with Jun ,Minghao , and Minghao's friend . So go get ready!" Ending his last sentence with a stern motherly voice.

   "Wait, Jeonghan how do you know that I'm going to spend time with Jun, Minghao, and Minghao's friend ?" I said with a soft and sleepy voice Still in the floor sitting with my  pastel pink blanket and my pillow. "Well long story short. Last night I found your phone to charge it ... and i couldn't help myself and started to look at your messages." Ending his sentence with a cute smile. "Woozi there's no time left. Go change. Or your going to be late."

Jeonghan's Prov
  " Hey Joshua...." I softly said. While picking up the pastal pink blanket and started to fold it gently. " Yeah? What's wrong my angle?" " It's just... you know what never mind." While giving my boyfriend a soft fake smile. After Joshua and I finished making Jihoon's room.

While Jihoon needs to make his own room. But oh well I'm his mother so nothing can change that. (Or should I mean Change Up??) " Jeonghan do you want to binge watch Lucky Star in four hours?" While giving me a smirk.   " Yes. Let's do this!"

  I said while I sat down in the couch. While putting my head in in his lap. And covering my body with a Pastel blue blanket. As Joshua and I started to binge watch Lucky Star. I felt a motherly instinct that the person that Minghao and Jun will introduce to my little Woozi will make a huge difference in his life.

Sorry for this short chapter.....

Sorry for this short chapter

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