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After Hoshi and I left the mall. I noticed that the sun was setting. I quickly pulled out my phone to see the time. The time read 7:35. Man Hoshi and I spend four hours in the mall?!Then I quickly looked at my messages. Then Hoshi said to me." I'm going to walk you to were you live. Because from now on I'm gonna go were ever you are. I might be shy and timid but I'll take care of you.  You know?" While giving me a bright smile.

     "You know I can take care of myself you know...." I said while mumbling some of the words. And looking in a different direction. So Hoshi  couldn't see that I was blushing from what he said. " Then I'll take that as a yes!" Said Hoshi while getting all my shopping bags from my hands. While Hoshi and I were walking back to my apartment. Hoshi and had some small talk. Until my big mouth asked.       " So.... By any chance do you have someone special?"

   By realizing what I said, I mentally slapped and smacked myself. Before Hoshi could say anything he just stopped in his tracks and simply said. " No. I really don't have someone in my life or currently dating someone. " With that Hoshi continued walking along by my side. A vibe or something told me that Hoshi and I will become very good friends. Also I know that I bearly met Hoshi today. But something tells me that.

    I wished that this day would never come to an end. But it did. When we reached my door Hoshi said "Umm.. today I had fun and I hope that we can do this tomorrow?" "Ah.. yeah! I'd love to." said. While trying to get out my keys and giving Hoshi my childish smile.

    When I opened the door,  I heard the sizzling noise of eggs beings made and the smell of kimchi being made. I came inside while taking off my shoes and noticed that Hoshi just stand there in front of the door. " Hoshi-ah, you can come inside. It's fine just take off your shoes. Please and thank you." After what I told Hoshi, Hoshi did what he was told and came in. Then   I found Joshua and Jeonghan making dinner. While Joshua was started to place plates.

    Until Joshua noticed me standing there. " Uh-  Jeonghan!! Woozi is back. " After Joshua said that I was back. Jeonghan came to the spot that I was standing. Which was in the door way.While ranting to me that he was so sick and worried that I missed curfew hours.... and so forth. Until Jeonghan noticed Hoshi standing there like a lost puppy while  hearing my lecture from Jeonghan.

   " Woozi. Why didn't you tell me that you had someone coming over?! Look at me I'm a mess." Jeonghan ranted to me while I responded  with. " Sure I  could told you about Hoshi but you had your long ass rant." While looking up at my so called mother. " Gosh so salty. Well come both of you. Joshua and I were about to eat. Hoshi do you want something to eat?" Asked Jeonghan while directing Hoshi to sit in the dinner table.

     While Hoshi still had my shopping bags I took them out of his hands and put the shopping bags in my room. When I came back to the dinner table. I found Jeonghan and Joshua asking Hoshi questions. " So Soonyoung, what is my little Jihoon to you ?" Asked Jeonghan to Hoshi while rising an eye brow. " Uh....well,  Woozi and I just met today... But for  me  I call Woozi a really good friend!" Said Hoshi while giving Joshua and Jeonghan a bright smile.  "So what were doing with Woozi the whole day?"

    Joshua asked while sipping on some soda. " Well. Jun and Minghao took us to some fancy restaurant...near the Monsta X cafe. But after that the four of us went to the mall... Then that's pretty much it what we did . " Said Hoshi while stretching and putting one of his arms  around the rim of my chair. " Jeonghan and Joshua are you two Woozi's roommates?" Asked Hoshi while tilting his head to the Jihan couple. Jeonghan and Joshua looked at each other away from their delicious food and started to giggle a little bit.

    But after the giggle died down. Jeonghan responded with." No. Joshua and I are Woozi's parents." After Jeonghan responded to Hoshi that Joshua and Jeonghan  were my parents. Hoshi was shocked and his face was red by actually believing  that Jeonghan  and Joshua were my parents by saying."  Oh! Mrs. Yoon and Mr.Hong I'm so sorry that-" " I'm just kidding Hoshi. Joshua and I are Woozi's closest friends. But  Joshua and I like to refer us as Woozi's parents." Said Jeonghan while eating some of his Kimchi.

  But after that small joke that Jeonghan and Joshua did to Hoshi. Jeonghan and Joshua knew what type of guy was Hoshi. After a long dinner that Joshua and Jeonghan had while talking to Hoshi and I. It was time Hoshi to go. After Hoshi got all of his stuff. In the door step Hoshi and I quickly exchanged phone numbers and email accounts.

  "So do you want to do something tomorrow ?Like go out to watch a movie or go to the park?"Asked Hoshi while rubbing the back of his head. " Yeah. I'd love to! What time?" I said while sounding like a sixteen year old. " Umm about one o'clock int he evening?" Hoshi asked while having a little (J)Hope in his voice. " Yeah that sounds great." I said trying to make eye contact with him. " Ok then at one then. I'll pick you up at you house. Well I have to go. Good night I Love You." Hoshi said while hugging me. At first didn't responded with the hug but after a few seconds I Quickly responded with a firm grip. " Ok Bye good night. Be careful. Bye I love you." I said while whispering the last sentence.

Hi sorry that I gave you this horrible chapter. I promise that I'll write better. But through out this week without school in the way. I'll TRY to publish two or one chapter. Happy Easter!

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