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Woozi's Prov

   "So where are we going today Soonyoung?" I asked while titling my head giving Soonyoung a puppy face. "Umm. I don't know. Where do you want to go? You pick." Said Soonyoung while both of us where making our way to town while walking. " Umm. I was thinking we can go to the movies?" I said while fidgeting with the rim of my   cardigan making the ends cardigan paws. "Ok whatever you choose." Responded Soonyoung while both of us were looking for a movie theater.


    When Soonyoung and I arrived the the movie theater. Inside there weren't  a lot of people. Usually in the movie theater it was packed. When Soonyoung and I choose a movie we wanted watch. Soonyoung gave me a look of the type of movie that I chose.  Which was a scary movie. " Are you sure that you want to watch it? It seems to scary." Said Soonyoung while looking at the movie poster.

  "Yeah I'm sure. Why? Are you sacred?" I asked Soonyoung while cooing. " No. It's just... I-I didn't know that you were that type of person that likes scary movies." Responded Soonyoung while looking at me. "Well know you know." I said while Soonyoung and I were walking to the ticket and snack area.

"C-Can we get t-two tickets for Cult Of Chucky." Asked Soonyoung to the blond headed teenager with bright red lipstick while stammering. " Here you go . Anything else?" Asked  the blond headed teenager. " Yeah..... Um Jihoon want would you want?" Soonyoung asked. " Just get a large bowl of popcorn and a large cup of soda for the both of us." I said while looking up a Soonyoung from my phone. " A large bowl of popcorn and a large cup of Coca Cola please!" Asked Soonyoung while giving a slight smile to the  teenage girl.

  "OK here you go. That will be $17.07." Said the blond headed girl. "Ok." Said Soonyoung while reaching for his wallet. I grabbed Soonyoung's arm and said." No. I'll pay or else I'll kill you." I said to Soonyoung while looking in my satchel for the amount of money. " No I'll pay." Responded Soonyoung while looking for the amount of money as well. As I found the amount of money. Without hesitation I quickly gave the money to the girl.

  After I gave the money to the girl. The girl (Or should I say Grr? No? Ok I'll stop) gave me the large bowl of popcorn and large soda.  While Soonyoung and I were getting settled to watch the movie. I noticed that there were barely people watching the movie .Only  nine or five people watching the movie. While Soonyoung and I chose our seats to see the movies.

    Soonyoung looked at me and said." You should have let me pay. I'm the one who invited you to the movies. When I invite you to do something I'm the one who's going to pay." Ranted Soonyoung. " Sorry but I feel guilty if someone pays. It makes me feel like if I owe you." I told Soonyoung while giving Soonyoung the cup of soda. " But still I'm the one who has to pay." Whined Soonyoung. 

   "Whatever." I said while getting a hand full of popcorn. " Don't whatever me you small child! As your guardian I'm the one who is suppose to tell you what you can do or what you can't do! Understand me?" Said Soonyoung in a Motherly manner that Jeonghan always lectures me in.

"Yes my guardian." I said in a sarcastic voice.
While the movie was starting. Soonyoung got too comfortable and burst my bubble. He slid a little bit closer to me and wrapped his arm around my seat. Without saying anything I blushed a little. Thank God that we're watching the movie in the dark. So Soonyoung couldn't see me blushing.

   Wait why am I acting like this to Soonyoung all of a sudden? Does Soonyoung really do this to everyone or just me? Why do I even care about this? Soonyoung is probably straight. To be honest I've never felt this way to another person. You know? Romantically.

   As I was drifted to my thoughts I didn't pay attention to the movie at all. To be honest the movie wasn't really scary.... Well for Soonyoung it was. When there was a suspense part in the movie. Soonyoung would try to hold my hand or arm and make sure if I wasn't scared.

   Then when there was a jump scare. Soonyoung would grab my arm and bury his head in my neck. And I had to tell Soonyoung that the part is over, he could now still watch the movie.  Soonyoung kept on doing that for a couple of times. And to be honest I think it was kinda cute.

   But at the middle of the movie. I swear that I was going  to tell Soonyoung that if he didn't like the movie or that the movie was too scary we could leave. But I didn't say it. Instead of watching the whole movie I watched Soonyoung's facial expressions . It was pretty entertaining.

   When the movie finished. Soonyoung and I started to walk down  the movie hallway. Until I hear a familiar voice out of nowhere shouting."  Lee Jihoon! Woozi! Wait up!" I looked back and saw the most annoying diva in the world Boo Seungkwan. Running towards me. "Hey Woozi! Why haven't you answered to my texts? Also I'm so sorry for what happened in the cafe. I was too pushy." Said Seungkwan while bowing in the last sentence. " Oh it's fine! Seungkwan you don't have to take it so far!" I said while noticing that Soonyoung is confused.

   While I accepted Seungkwan's apology. I introduced Soonyoung to Seungwkan. " Soonyoung this is .... well you can say my brother Boo Seungkwan." I said to Soonyoung while hand signaling who Seungkwan was to me.

    " Seungkwan, this is Kwon Soonyoung my friend that Minghao and Jun introduced me to." I said to Seungkwan. After I introduce Seungkwan to Soonyoung and Soonyoung to Seungkwan. The three of us chatted for a good bit and Soonyoung and I exchanged farewells to Seungkwan. And Soonyoung and I walked home in the dark night.

Yo I'm Burger King I'm the rap king you make me want to sing.... Boo Seungkwan Boo. - Jisoo
I'm sorry. Heheheh. Sorry for updating late I'm stuck with school work and studying for hours in my upcoming exams. So updated are going to be slow. Again I'm so sorry but yeah Bye have a nice day!

Anyone Tokyo Ghoul Re:? No? Ok. Bye.

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