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(This chapter will contain ALOT of time skips....)

    Jihoon's Prov

   "Jihoonie~ Its two o'clock . Wake up."  whispered Joshua shaking me a little. I grunted and  got up and went to my bedroom. When I got to my bedroom  I picked out a black button up long sleeve shirt, black formal pants, and black formal ankle shoes.  I came out of my room and heard that my dad was getting ready as well.

     I head back to the living room. When I entered the living room Joshua said." Well someone is looking nice." I gave Joshua a slight  smile for the compliment and looked down at my shoes.

     " So butter cup where are you going?" Asked mama-han getting up and fixing my button up shirt and my hair. " To my mother's funeral." I whispered. " Why didn't you tell us that it was today?" Jeonghan Asked putting his hands in his hips.

    " Woozi is it ok for Jeonghan and I to attend?"

" You two can. It's just be at a distance. I'm afraid my father might beat you two." I responded.

    " Ok then me and Shua will go change and be there. Ok? Also tell me where the address of the funeral." Asked Jeonghan while Joshua and him were picking up his stuff ready to leave.

      After telling Jeonghan and Joshua the location of the funeral. Jeonghan and Joshua left my house while holding hands.

     I shut the door close and go to the kitchen to get a glass of water. While I was drinking the water. I still felt this dryness in my throat thy was killing me alive. If my mother was here then she would tell me to rest and drink  something. But she's not.

    After I drank the water I washed my cup and dried the cup and placed the cup to its place.  " We're leaving." Growled my father. When I heard my fathers voice I flinched. Because I thought that he was going to decline me.

    I got my stuff and entered my fathers car. Throughout the whole car ride to the funeral my father and I didn't say a single word.

-After the funeral

      After my mother's funeral I became very distant with my father.  My father would do his own thing. Which was lock himself up in his room and do absolutely  nothing. While I was t school struggling with my studies and trying to keep myself alive.

    For me if I wasn't in school then I was working in a near by restaurant. To 4:30 -9:30 Cleaning up tables, washing windows, drying silverware, and washing plates. And by working I earned my little amount of money to live on.

    Just to eat and pay over due bills. But when it was closing times at work. Jeonghan and Joshua picked me up from work and had my food ready at my house. And sometimes to get my mind off of problems in my house and at work. Jeonghan , Joshua, Wonwoo, Mingyu, Seungcheol, Chan, Seungkwan, Vernon, Seokmin, Jun, and Minghao. Would come to my house and would ask me if I wanted to go out.

      As the person that I was with problems. I refused. But to my friends they wouldn't take no as an answer. My friends would drag me out and go have fun with them. But after the fun ended. I had to go back a place that I know as hell. Which was my house. During those times I was so happy that my friends treated me better then my dad.

Before my mother passed away. My dad always treated me well. My dad will always looked out for me, walked me to school, and made sure that I treated people how they wanted to be treated. But now all of those things are the opposite when my mother passed away with my dad and I.  There came a point in my life that I wasn't doing well in school. Instead of studding and paying attention to the teacher. I would skip class  and made people to do my work for me. In exams I made sure that people would give me answers and did some of the work.

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