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Woozi's Prov

After the day that Soonyoung and I went to the movies. You can say.... a sudden spark came between Soonyoung and I. Soonyoung and I have been very good friends.(Lol friend zoned)

      Almost everyday Soonyoung would call me to see how I was doing or if Soonyoung and I could hand out. But also in public places, Soonyoung didn't care if I was being my normal self or fanboying of my anime's or the cutest stuff I found. In those cases Soonyoung would join in and fanboy as well.

       "How are you doing my small child?" Asked Soonyoung in the other line of the phone. " Good, same as always." I responded while yawning." Ah, that's good. Woozi I was wondering if you and I could hang out today?" Asked Soonyoung with a slight of hope in his sentence. " I'm sorry Soonyoung. But Not Today." I responded still plopped in my bed.

     " Can I ask why?" Said Soonyoung while having some weird background noise. "It's just..... I can't, I have to tell you another time." I said while trying to explain with sincere. " Oh I see." Said Soonyoung disappointed.

        Man I feel really bad. But I can't skip today. Today is a very important day to me. "I'm so sorry, Soonyoung if this makes you upset." I said. After what I said there was a small awkward silence. Between Soonyoung and I. Until Soonyoung spoke out by saying." No it's.... fine probably tomorrow we can hang out. Right?" Soonyoung said with a little bit of happiness in his  voice.


   " Yeah, of course tomorrow! Um Soonyoung I to have to go now. I'm sorry." I said while responding to Soonyoung question. " Ok... bye Woozi be careful where ever your going! Bye I love you~!" Said Soonyoung from the other line of the phone. " Yeah bye love you too Soonyoung as well." I responded back.

     After Soonyoung and I said bye from the phone. I powered off my phone completely. And started started to change. The outfit that I choose for today was. Is a black hoodie that is two sizes bigger than me. While having a black face mask and wearing black skinny jeans. After I changed I did my make up. Usual as always. My eyeliner and adding my cherry lip tint.

        After I did my make up. I started to lace up my red Converse. Then I grabbed my satchel while heading out of my house. While I was walking if the busy city of Seoul. I looked around my surroundings. When I saw a clock. That was inside of a house decor store the time read 11:34.

Ummm I actually woke up early. Man and it doesn't even feel like eleven. Weird. While I was walking more. I was thinking to myself. Know which flower shop sells be best flowers?

When I was walking I remembered that Gfriends flower shop sells the best roses. Yeah! Why didn't I think of that! I said while picking up my walking pace. When I arrived the flower shop it was packed. But I managed to get in. When I went inside of the flower cooler. I noticed that the flowers where in different colors red, orange , yellow, pink, white , and purple.

When I was walking in each aisle. I started to look which flowers are good looking and looked healthy. I started to look in an another aisle when   I quickly stumbled upon the most beautiful red roses and white flowers.

    When I looked at those red roses and white flowers. I knew that, that someone, liked red roses. When I paid for the on bunched  of red roses and the other bunched of white flowers.

    After I paid. I went straight to the park. When I was walking to the park. I noticed that some people where looking at me. Like they never seen a short guy carrying flowers for someone. Mmm.

     When I was finally in the park. I noticed that  the grass was dark and light green. While the trees were bright green. The wild flowers are popping right in. And that they sky was bright blue with a few of fluffy clouds. 


   I started walking a further more until I reached to the public trail. When I got to the beginning of the trail. I slowly took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Then I started walking to the trail that I know the hardest time of my life.

    After I walked a little bit of the trail. I looked around in my surroundings and noticed. That the trees around me had big wavy roots all other the place, and the nest for the birds where in the tippy top in the trees, while a little river was flowing.

   The more I was in the trail. The more that I can remember the pain and the hard ship emotionally. But in my mind I was having horrible flashbacks of this place and what this trail means to me. But while I was crossing the little bridge. A light breeze of wind hit my face.

When the wind hit my face. I shivered for a second and saw that I had goosebumps in my skin. As I walked in the trail I started to admire the woods and all the living organisms. Then I started to fasten up my pace.

Because the bunches of flowers were getting heavy of tossing them arm to arm. I saw a teenage girl with a sport outfit passing by me. From the wooded trail, trying to exit the trail. If as I wasn't existing. She scoffed and glared at me and started to run. The opposite side that I was going.

I ignore the small interaction and started to walk. When I got to one of the direction that I was going. I looked everywhere to see if anyone was watching me or following me. Then when I saw that the coast was clear. I got off of the trail. And started to slide inside of a small forest hole.

When I got in the forest hole. I brushed away the bushes. And started to slide slowly and carefully from the small hill. After I got finally in. I started to follow a small lighted pathway.

While I was following the pathway. The more I walked near to my destination. The more my heart sank. The more my adrenaline kept going high and my hands and my back started to break into cold sweat. I moved the flowers to the other side of my arms. And deeply exhaled. I never felt this sensation before, since ten years ago.

⚠️ If you have a light heart ... wait till the next chapter⚠️sorry

After fifteen minutes of walking in the little trial. I sense that my legs were getting heavy because after 45 minutes of walking in the trial with three dozens of flowers.  When I got to my destination that I've been walking for. The trees were formed as a circle and then there thick wild flower bushes, and the sun shining to a big marble block.  I sat down in the soft, fluffy grass. And faced the spot where my father committed suicide ten years ago.

   So sorry to make the atmosphere dark. But here you go another chapter for y'all. Sorry for grammar mistakes.

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