Seabrook | 1x02: Rivals, Act 3 Scene 2

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Act 3 Scene 2

Fade In


The whole town sits in seats anxiously awaiting the mayor to give her big speech. No one has a clue what the speech is about and there is a lot of speculation. People chatter happily amongst their friends, family members, coworkers, and neighbors as the door opens and zombies begin to file into the hall as well. The zombies sit opposite the humans, until they all start to wave them over and invite them to sit next to them. While they are making the transition, someone walks out on the stage and speaks into the microphone.

Testing. One two three, hello? Can everyone just settle down please.

Chatter quiets down

Thank you. Hi, thank you all for coming out to support my boss the lovely Mayor Missy. While I'm not sure what to make of her decision, it was one made with extreme caution and above all else, love. With that being said, please give a hand for my boss, Missy!

Applauds erupt from the crowd.

(Walks on stage and smiles)
Wow, what a great turn out we have here tonight. I see a representation of everyone here, elder, middle age, young adult, children, even babies and it warms my heart. For years I have been dedicated to making Seabrook amazing, dedicated to making our lives amazing. I gave more jobs, better jobs, higher wages, better coverage, extended our school's curriculum so our children can get the best education possible. But while I was doing all that I missed a key point, a very vital point. Zombie Town. Yes, Zombie Town says Zombie Town but look at their dirt, look at the soil they walk on, it's still Seabrook soil. They are us, a part of us that we just seemed to have forgotten. We let them live in dingy conditions, full of dust and mold. We let them suffer, forgetting that even though they look different and talk a little different, they're still apart of us. Now look, I'll admit that I haven't always been so warm hearted towards our zombie citizens, you see one tried to bite my father in law's ear off fifteen years ago. But upon actually thinking about the subject, you know putting some legit thought into it, I realized two things. The first is that it's not anyone's fault that they became a zombie, it's just something that was intended in their destiny and who are we to argue with destiny, huh? The second thing and this is the most important thing, it's not their fault that they eat brains and people. It's an uncontrollable need they once had. We need food, water, and oxygen to survive, and they needed human flesh. In all honesty once the Z bands were created the zombies should've been welcomed back into Seabrook with opened arms, since their needs were now under control. However, we did not do that and because of that we've done something horrible. Do you know what we've done? We've instilled hate into our children, we've instilled meanness and cruelty into our future. But if you don't believe me when I say it, why don't you hear it from a child who has been through it. Zed

Camera pans over to Zed standing near Addison, Bucky, Bree, Bonzo, Zoey, and his dad. He looks shocked but smiles none the less and makes his way on stage.

(Opens her arms)

(Hugs her)

(Smiles and whispers)
Don't hold anything back. Now's the time to speak and let everyone know how you felt. Anything you say, goes. There's nothing off limits.

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