The Meeting

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Officially, these are the re-written version of TAM.

For those who already read the story, please forgive me for all the mistakes I've made before I decided to find a beta and help me a bit so that I can improve my writing skills. And for those who started to read the story now, I hope you enjoy it a lot. Updates will be a bit slow since school and final exams to get into College, called in Greece Panhellenic Exams, are pressing and hold me back from writing. This will be for almost a year and after I'm done, updates will be more and faster, I guess.

My character, Rowan Fox, looks like Elle Fanning(one of the actresses I like) only with red hair, icy blue eyes and snow white skin. Most of my OC's look like an actor or singer and also there will be some songs, scenes that come out of my head and extra AU chapters that connect with the previous chapter and the whole story. Think of it as a book, not a fic. It's a book.


New York City, five years ago

Rowan Fox was passionate. Shy. Sensitive. A cute and beautiful young girl.

But she was a huge mystery.

Her eyes went on the magazine which was laid on the table. Her own face was on the cover, big and quite nice. Her scarlet red hair was falling on her shoulders, messy, reaching down her small breasts. Her icy blue eyes had a playful shine on and her lips smiled to the camera and to the reader.

She was wearing a navy blue dress with its sleeves reaching her elbows. Her milky white skin stunned out and shone under the light and flash of the camera. Even if that outfit showed that she looked older and mature, in fact, she was still a 10 year old girl. A cute 10 year old girl.

Rowan read the main title; a smirk crossed on her lips. On the side of the cover, there was a part of her interview (included into the magazine, some pages later) that the journalist might, liked.

Rowan Fox: Ten, but inspiring, the title said.

"We children have rights and dreams," the given part of the interview was saying, "We just need the right motivation".

Her small mouth hid behind a big white cup of hot chocolate (ah, tasty). Her eyes scanned the small cafe and, satisfied, she saw that it was still half- empty. Most of the customers were those alcoholic people who couldn't go to their work without a glass of whiskey. That was the good of all things; nobody knew this young girl and how famous she was. Fans were annoying at times.

But it was also sure that he wouldn't find her.

She flipped the pages lazily until she reached the one of her interview. For what she was interested in were her pictures on the pages, not the text. The journalist, a kind and very sharp minded woman to her opinion, had asked every question this text had. Plus, Rowan knew that she would never change anything on her answers.

The first photo was showing her giving a thumbs up, while she was winking. The camera was focused on her thumb and the rest of her was blurred. Okay, she liked that photo. But, the other photos seemed to bore her. So boring that she flipped the pages until the last page of the magazine. And, anyway, she should have known better with what kind of photographer she was working with. And before you can ask, yes, that was the one who picked these photos.

For her, this man was one of the rudest and much less intelligent than her. She could say the exact same words for those who dressed her up and did her makeup. Such selfish and motherfuckers. And the fact that they treated her like she was another 10 year old child who had some glory, ticked her off. Was she asking a lot from the human kind? She didn't think so.

The Turtles and Me [IN PROGRESS OF REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now