Finally, I'm Free!

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"I need to get outta here."

That questionable look I expected came right after I said that. I knew that surprised D but I had made my decision and that wouldn't change. Nevertheless, one hand of mine flew up to my hair and strode some of them back and away from my face. I think this movement shows embarrassment or insecure, I'm not sure. I spared a quick glance with him before lowered my gaze to the grey floor under my red boots. "It looks kinda-"

"I'll help ya."

Now it was my time to get surprised and think 'Shit, really?'. And yes, that surprised me a lot. And just because I knew Danny for a short amount of time, everything was explained. Our eyes met once again and they started to talk; unspoken and voiceless words were said between us. I really wanna help ya, Elle Fanning with red hair, those green eyes, darker than Raphel's, repeated over and over. My saliva stuck on my throat; he dared to walk closer to me and hug my motionless body. My eyes now looked at the grey wall some meters away from us.

"How about planning something before you regret it?" he asked softly while he gone off my body. All I did was to nod and give a small smile just to be positive. Fuck his perfume was still around me. He nodded too.

"Let's get to work then.


"Here's the thing: Two soldiers will come to do their ordered check up on ya in 'bout-"

"Two hours, ya already said it."

He smirked and pet my head. "Good job." he congratulated and I just rolled my eyes in annoyance. Though that reminded me strongly of Blue and his kind and lovable moves, I had to forget it for a while. Focus on my break out and return back to my second adoptive family. Get that mind workin'.

"OK then. You should remember that we have to get advance of these two hours and find that stupid"- cursed, I called it- "device on your body." Dan continued like he was about to lead the army to an upcoming fight and that made my lips to curve into a sly grin. I couldn't forget Splinter's words though.

"We're at war my children."

The stupid shocking device that forbid me to turn into a ghost and escape from this ugly building with the also ugly owner was, like Danny pointed, somewhere on my body. Fun fact: we both didn't know where it was on that skin of mine. Fun fact number 2: Shredder, Kari and Danny had the control remoter and any time they wanted could press a stupid button and shock me 'till death. Danny made clear that he threw it away with the first chance he had and he was so sure that Karai did the same. He couldn't see me in pain from something he caused.

Aww the lil' lovebird, the sarcastic voice of my head rang in my mind when he said that and fortunately my mouth didn't exposed it. That would be a shame, especially now that we were close as buddies.

The sly smirk of his though changed my thoughts. "Take off your clothes baby doll." he said with a voice that only one person could meme it perfect. Who else? Julie. Okay, yeah the thought of having sex with that boy didn't terrify me just because I knew that wouldn't happen 100%. Why? Virgins always want to take it slow. "What are your big plans?" I asked lickin' my lips and he just made a disgusted face. "Not what you're thinking, that's for sure. C'mon, strip." he replied and turned around so that the view of my underwear couldn't bring him a heart attack. I rolled my eyes to heavens and maybe higher.

"As you wish."

Getting undressed into a cell with a shy boy being turned around was something that I'll never do in the future. Even if Blue and I have finally that motherfuckin' sex first time for him, hundredth for me. Professional strippers could do better than me. Anyway, boots, jeans and top were all tossed away and very proud that they were out of my stinking body. Ugh, I needed a bath ASAP.

The Turtles and Me [IN PROGRESS OF REWRITING]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum