Panic In The Sewers

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No One's POV

Inside the dark New York city, the turtles and Rowan were stealthy sneaking around. White smoke was everywhere as Mikey fell from a roof and followed his brothers and sister into an alley.

All of them were searching something specific.

Something that meant a lot to each one.

Leo shushed the others. "Shredder could be anywhere. Stay frosty guys." he then ordered. Rowan slapped her forehead. "Frosty? Is that all you got Blue?" she asked in disbelief and the blue masked blushed.

Donnie started to talk about frost while Mikey and Raph shared a bored look. "Maybe he's got an off-switch somewhere." the playful turtle said to his older brother and Raph turned to Donnie, slapping the back of his head.


"Found it!"

"And I found four pathetic turtles and girl with seconds of life."

Mikey's lips created a smile and glared the other four. "Wouldn't be one of them" he said happily. Rowan gave him an angry look.

"We are them, stupid!"

The five children awaited for their archenemy to appear each one with a different expression.

Shredder's shadow appeared behind Mikey and unfortunately for the turtle, he pulled him into the dark so fast that, he couldn't even react. The only thing that is was saved from him was one of his nunchuks which dropped to Donnie's feet.


Donnie raised his staff over his head and attacked the Shredder who reappeared from the darkness. He was about to give him a good hit on his chest but as faster and stronger, Shredder prevented him and broke Donnie's staff in two with his gauntlets. In no time, Shredder threw the poor turtle in the dark were he disappeared.

"Raph, take him down!" Leo ordered to Raph, leaving Rowan behind. Leo tried to give many strikes to Shredder but all of them had been avoided. That gave the opportunity to Raph to give his own, hurtful strike from above. Shredder noticed it and he swung to his left while the red clad turtle jumped on him. Then, the evil ninja master gave a couple of damaging punches to Raph's chest.

Strong too.

With a last, hard kick to his shell, Raph send flying to the smoke with Leo and Rowan running after him.

But it was too late.


Both panted as the theme behind them took a dark color and Shredder had now red eyes. They turned to his side and he kicked Leo to a wall while throwing Rowan on him.

They groaned in pain.

An awful, scratching sound surrounded them as Shredder came closer to their side, one of his gauntlets scratching the wall on his left. Rowan stood in front of the terrified Leo and narrowed her eyes, fangs touching her lower lip.

The Turtles and Me [IN PROGRESS OF REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now