Turtle Temper

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Rowan's POV

The first thing that my ears caught when I woke up the next morning, after the discovering that I'm half ghost, was a silent knock on my bedroom door. "Come in!" I said as I stretched myself. The door opened letting the light from the living room to get in my dark room so as Leo.

His lips had that gorgeous smile that can make not only me but also many other girls to melt. He sat on the edge of the big bed, ocean blue eyes glaring me happily, the small amount of light brighten them up. "Good morning! How you're doing?" his sweet voice pronounced those words with such confidence that made me to blush. Again.

Way to go Red.

I couldn't do anything else but smile and retort to him "Good morning Blue!" He raised a nonexistent brow hearing the nickname which I came up with only two days ago. "What's that Blue mean? I asked you last night and you didn't gave me an answer." he said some seconds later.

My blush grew and my cheeks burned.

I sighed.

"Uh... well, since your mask is blue so as your eyes, I decided to give you that nickname which suits you by the way..." What the fuck did ya just said?! Seriously?! a small voice echoed in my head, yelling at me. Leo's eyes widened but then, he giggled. "Uh... Thanks?" he responded. I moved closer to him so as he. We were some inches away and we stared each other's eyes.

Sometime, I leaned closer to his face and shut my eyes, my lips connected to his. I felt his hands wrap around my back and pulling me closer to him. My own hands were wrapped around his neck as my lips kept being connected with his.

My eyes opened and realizing what I was doing, I quickly stopped kissing Leo and stood up, walking as much away as I could. What I've done? I thought as I shuted painfully my eyes, my head titled downwards.

Footsteps and breathing came closer to my side and I raised one hand making Leo to stop. "Don't. I can't. I did something fool. Go. Please." I said still having my eyes shut. There was a long pause and then, I heard Leo's footsteps walking away from me and a door closing.

I stayed in my dark room all day long, regretting my action.

It was late night in NYC. The perfect time for us to come out from the sewers.

Me, Leo and Donnie were standing on the edge of a roof whilst Raph and Mikey were behind us. We all were waiting for the Kraang to appear for almost two hours and nothing happened! Why did I decided to come with the guys again? I asked myself as I rolled my eyes.

Because you're a part of this team. That's why! the voice answered for one more time. I rolled my eyes again.

I shivered. There was some wind up here. Good thing that I wore my favorite white with two black stripes sweater and my favorite blue jeans which made my feet to heat. Today, I decided to wear my black biker boots which fit with my whole appearance.

"Anything?" Leo asked Donnie who held some kind of telescope. He was glaring through it, just in case the Kraang appear. "Nothing yet." he replied still watching from the mini telescope.

Behind me, Mikey was laughing. Probably he annoyed for one more time Raph. He knows though that messing up with the Hothead, you ain't have fun. He's responsible for what'll come next. A slight crack spread, before Mikey yelps in pain. Both me and Blue turned to their side and we both had narrowed our eyes.

The Turtles and Me [IN PROGRESS OF REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now