The Truth's Out

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Being dragged isn't as bad as Mikey told me a while ago. I mean, your ass freezes and hurts from all the physical contact with the concrete floor and the fact that it's bumping against your bare skin,'s cool for me. You're just being lazy while a bunch of people put so much power and effort to drag all that weight you have to somewhere.

I felt okay when the two Foot ninjas dragged me away from the dungeon and thankfully for them, I wasn't that heavy. Plus, they had enough strength to do all that. My eyes were shut and a relaxed smile crossed my lips like I was taking a nap. Unfortunately for me, sleep wasn't an option.

First of all, the chat between Danny and I swirled around in my head and in repeat. My emotional world turned upside down after that. Although I was sure this would happen since Danny had tried to win my trust, I still was in shock. His actions, his words were so convincing that...well made me feel like my old self.

My sensitive old self.

Secondly, I had to stay awake since the way to the throne room wasn't long and I had, also, to prepare myself for one more fight with my hated enemy. I had to recollect my strength and energy to win this time. Think like you're playing a video game and you've reached the boss level, I kept trailing over and over in my head so that I could familiarize with the idea. Shredder is your boss level.

Boss fight and bullshits. I've got this.

"Gosh girl. Can't you move your damn legs?" one of them complained and I just rolled my eyes in boredom. "What? I need to stretch my legs," I replied with a bitchy tone, my favorite tone and the best I've ever had, "Now move your asses." A growl mixed with a sigh of annoyance came up to my ears and the two soldiers kept moving and dragging.

A smirk crept up along my lips.


Once again, the stupid room called the throne room was full of guests. Vampires, other Foot soldiers, Bradford, a half-burned Kraang body...

Did I say Kraang?

I arched an eyebrow and looked again at the Kraang, questions, and questions starting to swirl again in my brain. What the hell a Kraang wants here? What's Shredder up to? Why is it chained? Do his companions know where that robot is? The turtles? Do they know what Shredder-

"Leave us. Alone."

Without warning, my back slammed on the floor and automatically, my teeth grinded. Sitting up, I saw all the sidekicks walking out of the room until there was nobody I'm there except me, Shredder and the chained Kraang. I turned around; my eyes stared with hate the man opposite me. "What do you want again Saki? You already know that I ain't gonna say anything about the lair," I spat while forcing my body to stand up.

And that's when I realized that something bad was going on.

Shredder removed his mask, revealing his burned face and a malicious smirk too. "I already know that, child. But, I am not going to demand you information. Instead, I have other plans on the table," he replied with an icier tone and a lethality than ever causing cold sweat to ran down to my spine. I was afraid that something really bad would happen. I was sure that he had a plan which would... I didn't know what it would do to me.

Either way, I wouldn't give up fighting against him.

My feet finally stood up on their own, as I felt my vampire-ghostly healing ability healing my neck bite and slice on arm. Adrenaline mixed with slight fear and energy ran down to my veins, ending up to my feet which tapped on the floor rhythmically. I didn't dare to look anywhere else except Shred-head's face only to read his emotions. His hidden well emotions that it would be challenging for anybody else tried to do it. For me, it's just a game. "Let's hear your awesome and clever plan," I retorted, crossing my naked arms over my clothed chest.

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