I, Monster

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Listen to this song... Trust me, it'll make you read this chapter easily...


That's what Rowan saw.


A small spot of light appeared in the horizon and she narrowed her eyes, trying to see it clearly. Next thing she remember was that she was into a big theater.

Actually, in a cinema.

The big screen was dark opposite her and the dim light was all over the room. She was in the middle line of seats and raised one eyebrow.

Uh... Okay...? I'm in the movies now?

She sat down and the screen turned to life while darkness spread out in the big room.

Nice. A movie is what I need now... Rowan thought in satisfaction as she sat more comfortable on her seat. The popcorns are missing but, whatever. I'm not hungry.

A relaxed smile appeared on her lips.

A girl, much like her, appeared on the screen. Her fangs were covered in blood so as her clothing.

She looked mad.

Ah, a horror movie. My favorite kind.

The girl of the screen walked towards it and a foot appeared out from the big colored screen as Rowan raised an impressed eyebrow.

3-D? Wow.

"Reality it's not what you thought of." the screen girl said with a scary and low voice as her body started to appear out the screen.

Something metallic surrounded the atmosphere.

Rowan knew what it was.


Real blood.

The screen girl came out from the screen and landed on her feet, hungry look was searching for something.

And she did found it.

"Dudes! It's not real, eh? She's not crazy?"

"Right now, I don't really know little brother."

"Technically, that shouldn't have happened now..."

The girl started with slow steps to walk towards the talking shadows, leaving Rowan to glare the whole scene with wide eyes. If that's a horror movie, why the turtles are involved?

"Reality it's not what you thought of." the girl said again, giving a glance at Rowan. Then, a light turned on, revealing the four terrified turtles.

She moved closer.

Leonardo stood in front of his brothers, protecting them and unleashed one of his katanas. "Rowny stop! This is not you!" he said to the girl who had an evil smirk on her lips.


Did he said...


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