Rise of The Turtles (part 1)

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

Her hand hit the snooze button and almost a second later, her alarm went off. Rowan stared the ceiling, a heavy sigh coming out of her lips. In the meantime, she brought back in her mind her recent dream. What she saw in her sleep, however, wasn't a dream; it was a real-life memory which occurred five years ago. Of course she would remember every detail of her meeting with Splinter and his four turtle sons. She would never forget the kindness, care and love the five showed her the following years she stayed with them, despite of her being a human.

Rowan's gratefulness was huge, even if she never showed it. The five mutants assisted her to forget her hurtful past- at least as she thought of- and she wanted to thank them for that. The surprise birthday party she was planning to throw that day, so, was -mainly- for that reason. And, before you ask, Rowan happened to be born the same day the turtles and Splinter were mutated.

It was 6:15 in the morning and the lair had the deadliest of silences. But when Rowan began to shower the lair obtained a new but short timed noise.

The redheaded sighed in satisfaction as the hot water fell on her naked body with power, drawing away every hint of sweat and dirt she had from the other day. Her nails digged in her skull as the soap washed her long hair, massaging it. Five minutes later, she washed the rest of her body taking it as slow as she could. She had the rare chance to enjoy her shower without listening to Mikey's annoyed yells that he has to pee or even Raph's fists banging on the closed door, telling her to "finish showering already!"

In any other occasion, she would have questioned herself how she stood living with four boys full of tosterone and questions. And now, after five years, she would crack a smile and tell that it was a matter of time to get used to that way of life. Fortunately, Rowan has answered most of her friends' questions. If it wasn't her, also, the unusual family would still have algae and worms for breakfast, lunch and dinner even. Though Splinter never allowed her to bring junk food except a bar of chocolate sometimes, the turtles learnt to eat like humans. The first two years Rowan was their cooker, making foods that she had learnt from her passed mother. Most of them were Greek, such as moussaka, and others were Japanese in respect to Splinter's origins. And Rowan had passed her childhood in Tokyo too.

She stared at her reflection on the small mirror. A yawn escaped from her mouth and she quickly shook her head. There was no time to relax;if she wanted to have everything settled before the training was over, she had to get over her tiredness.

Her icy eyes looked at their twins reflected on the mirror. She had her mother's, Ann, eye color and her skin color. Everyone she knew always told her that she was an exact copy of hers, except the hair but as a character and behavior, she was more like her father, Tom; stubborn yet gentle and sensitive. He had a strong will and sometimes huge ego.

Unlike to his mother, her baby brother, James, had been a better copy of her dad, in matters of looks-

She shook her head. Why now?

Her parents and brother were long gone, buried back in Tokyo along with their house. Rowan would never forget the hurtful day she lost everything, the day the car blew up and damaged her family's bodies, burning half of them to ashes. The doctors managed to save them but fate had other plans for them.

She remembered staying the whole night of the surgery in the hospital, holding her best friend's hand tight. She had slept on the chairs when they passed away and she woke up the next morning, when doctor King came out of the surgery room to announce the bad news.

After that, she was never that ten year old girl everyone knew.

She took her life in her hands, taking all of her important stuff and her parents' savings for her future college and flew to New York. She decided to focus on her dancing career that at the time was just a hobby.

The Turtles and Me [IN PROGRESS OF REWRITING]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt