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I remember that day. A couple of years ago, it was. So vivid are my memories. It was the day everything changed. Reality became unreal. Love became hate. All that was known became unknown.

I was sitting in the lush wheat fields, the crops gently tickling my legs. My sister, Jane, sat there. The sun's rays bounced off her light hair like a mirror. "Grand," she announced, "Just grand". And she was right. For the first time in years, she knew what was going on. You see, my sister was never the same after the accident. She saved me, but in the process she lost her memory and was crippled. Luckily we knew a friend who agreed to take care of her who goes by the name of Angela. She is the only one who can speak with her without her forgetting who you are.

As we sat in the field, Angela, my sister and I, I saw something flash. A light. Not a light that seemed to come from this world. I felt a great power come from that light. It was like a God, tearing apart the clouds to look at the mortals down below.

The light beamed down onto the ground and a shape appeared in the mist. It appeared to be similar to a human but far too muscular. I was almost certain we weren't dealing with Arnold Shwartzenegger. There was a gauntlet on his fist. He spoke, "Humans. In time you will know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail all the same. Dread it. Run from it. Destiny still arrives". And then, something happened. My sister, who has been paralysed from the waist down for 10 years, stood up and ran towards the shape. Suddenly, the figure was gone. "Come little brother," Jane said , "there is much we have to tell you". And that was the day we were carved in legend...

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