Jessica Jones

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The moment we stepped through that portal, our vision was shrouded in darkness. A mix of black and purple. There were floating stone platforms in the distance, crumbling into the endless abyss below. I was petrified. I knew that if one of us were to fall, we were finished.

In the distance, a shape jumped from the platforms towards us. It's hair had a long purple streak running through it. "Hey, what you guys doing here, it's not safe?" said Jessica Jones. She had a bottle of white rum in her hand, swigging it by the gallon. "We've come to save you!" said Newscaster Supreme.
"I can't leave. Mephisto put a lock on me so I can't escape the dark dimension," announced Jessica.
"Well then I guess we'll just have to beat the tar out Mephisto i'dnit," suggested Betty, already drawing Blood's Edge. Jessica beckoned us with her hand and we rushed to the throne on the horizon.

As we jumped from platform to platform, I looked down into the bleak abyss. This made me very uneasy. It was as if the universe pulled at my arms like I was a puppet. Behind me, I heard a loud gasp. I turned around. Betty held on to the platform, it slowly crumbled as her grip tightened. "Help me!" she screamed. My hands locked onto her wrists instantly. With all the strength I could muster, I lifted her up, my heels digging into the platform. She was soon back on steady ground. I could see something approaching on the horizon. A Demon. Jessica immediately sprung to action. Her leg soared high into the air, snapping the creature's neck in two. We then proceeded to Mephisto's throne.

"Ah, why hello there Jessica. Ready to beg for your freedom again?" said the devil king, Mephisto.
"Not at all," replied Jessica, "In fact, we're here to stop you".
"Good luck with that," said Mephisto, already lighting a cigarette. The smoke billowed from the tip like a chimney having a fit. Mephisto rose from his chair, his feet not touching the ground. The red smoke was emitting from his cloak. He rose his hand. Red sparks were charged from his hand. He was preparing a huge attack. We were doomed...


All of a sudden, Mephisto was gone. Stood on his ashes was a young girl. She wore mostly black clothes. Her hair was in a bun and she held a staff with the inscription 'Staff Of One' written on it. "Nico Minoru at your service," said Sister Grimm, "did you miss me?".

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