Squirrel Girl

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When I returned to the group, sword in hand and armour on body, they were stunned. They said things like, "Phil, you look amazing" and, "Wow, what is that?". I told them that I took Angela's armour and that I'm now called 'Son Of Coul'. "Well, it's great that we've got you," said Carol.
"Now," declared Medusa, "We have to rescue Doreen Green, the Squirrel Girl. She is currently in possession of the tesseract, a powerful object that can freeze the Earth and contains the Space Stone (one of the Infinity Stones)".
"That's right," confirmed Carol, "Word is that Doreen doesn't even know she has it. Word is also that Janice Lincoln, otherwise known as The Beetle, is approaching the school that Doreen goes to. The Beetle is a very dangerous foe. She has many forms of artillery on her suit and she should not be taken lightly. We must go immediately". And then we set off. I grasped Hel's Bane tight. This is for you, Angela. I promise I won't let you down.

Another trip through the portal. It's kinda bad when it comes to such a point that you find inter dimensional travel boring. But it was. I decided I would use the time to think. Think about who I am. Think about what I am. Am I a hero? Or a coward? Perhaps I'm no one. I finally came to a decision. I am who I am. I will no longer be known as Phil. I am Son Of Coul. Protector of Heven. The Bane of Hel. And I will live up to Angela's name. I promise.

We finally landed in what seemed to be a school. The cobbled steps led up to a dormitory. We stumbled along the hallway until we reached Doreen's room. We must've looked rather strange. I mean, a group of superheroes walking around a college is probably the weirdest thing these kids will ever see. Until the Beetle gets here. Then their minds will be collectively blown.

I knocked softly on the door and immediately I felt like I kicked a beehive. The amount of sudden noise was unsettling. There were screams of excitement. I took Doreen as quite a (how do I put this) incredibly bubbly. She opened the door with great enthusiasm. "Hi! How are you! I'm Doreen! Wait a minute! I know you! Hiya guys! Who's this!" screamed Doreen, with the excitement of a dog seeing a bone for the first time. My brain hurt after the spiel she gave us. She eventually invited us in after another three speeches at the door and by that point I was rather confident she knew full well who I was. We sat on her sofa which had fragments of squirrel fur and hair on it. It must of been from Doreen's enormous bushy tail. We told Doreen what was going to happen...

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