The Final Chapter

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We all sat around a now very cramped table at the HQ. I looked around. All the people I've spent so much time with, all in one place. All the people I admire. Some I've known for a while. Some are fairly new to my life. They're all great. We sat there talking for a good 2 hours, laughing, drinking (especially Jessica) and reminiscing (I was a little left out from the memories but I didn't mind, I got all the story I needed). It's just been great, you know? Meeting all these people. The bubbly Squirrel Girl, the insanely smart Moon Girl, the buff as hell Red She-Hulk and of course the ever confident Captain Marvel. Once we all finished our meal (which was prepared expertly by America Chavez. Burritos! Muy Bien!), I decided to head to my room and relax.

As I lay on my still clean bed, I thought back to the many battles I had shared with everyone. The battle at Doreen's school. The battle against Mephisto where we escaped by the skin of our teeth. The battle at Fisk Industries where... where Angela lost her life. I miss her. Still, she was a good soul. I wandered about my room for a bit. I then stumbled across a small note on my desk. It read...
'Dear Phil,
This is Angela. I know this might be a hard message for you to read but if you are reading this, I'm dead. To be honest, I don't know how long I wanted to write this note but I think if I left it here, then now is the time. The time for me to go. I want to do something with my life. If there's a way for me to help you, I will. But listen, I want to help but...
I don't want to beat around the bush, Phil. I want to die. More than anything. I...
Thanks, Phil. Thanks for being a great brother.
From Angela.
P.S: I left you something in your drawer.

I started to sob. But I understood her pain. I wanted far too much from her and now she was at the end of her tether. Well, I say that, it couldn't be my fault. I bloody hope not. I then opened my drawer and took a peek. Inside, there was a small gemstone (about the size of a nickel). It was orange in colour and had jagged edges. There was a note on it that read...
'Phil, this is the soul stone. Use it wisely.'
Wow. What the hell is that! Yeah, I'm definitely taking that. I'm greedy. Might be worth something on the market. Although, I probably shouldn't sell it. If Angela trusted me with this, it must be of some importance. I'll keep it.

At that point, Jane came into the room. She was twirling Mjolnir on her finger like it was a basketball. She saw the tear marks on my face and sat down on the bed next to me. She then slung her arm over my shoulder and held me tight. I then pointed to the note. She read it and held me tighter. Then she said to me, "Phil, everyone in life has a purpose. Angela swore to protect you no matter what. That was her duty. I was there when Odin granted her Hel's Bane. She was very pleased with herself. But she knew that one day, her duty would put her in the line of fire. But that doesn't mean her life was wasted. If she hadn't risked her life fighting the Kingpin, we would've been screwed. She risked it all and she saved us all. She will forever be a hero. But Phil, here's some free advice. And it's something I wish I knew when I was young. In this life, you have no control who lives, who dies, but most importantly, you have no control who tells your story. So you better make sure they tell a damn good one".
"Thanks Jane". She patted me solemnly on the back and exited the room. I breathed long and hard.

"I love you"...

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