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As we sat by Angela's still bleeding corpse, Jane tapped me on the shoulder. "Hey," she said to me, "follow me for a second". I obliged, drying my tears. Jane opened the door to some sort of safe. She immediately started to pack all the money into a bag. I asked her what she was doing. She said to me, "Phil, Angela said to me that when she dies, I get enough money to make a super suit for you". I started to cry a bit. Angela cared for me so much. She deserved much better than this. Jane noticed me sobbing almost immediately. "Listen Phil, I want to tell you a story".

"Twelve years ago, Angela was recruited into the A-Force. It was a very exciting moment. She was only fifteen at the time but still very proficient with a sword. At this point, she was still quite unfamiliar with Earth culture. But none of that mattered. She was incredible in battle. Her physical power was only matched by Betty Ross, who was about six then. On Angela's first mission, we were headed to Wakanda to discuss matters with King T'Chaka. He said he wanted to gift us some vibranium in exchange for our services in protecting the country. When we arrived there, the place was overrun with ghosts. We had no idea how they got there. But Angela was so eager to destroy them. Charging towards them, she cut their spectral bodies in two. Then, the leader of these ghosts revealed themselves. Hela, Queen of Hel. Angela was very excited to defeat her too. As she was about to deliver a blow, Hela knocked her back with the most powerful of beams, leaving Angela wounded. Deeply. But this beam imbued her with a new form of power. The Allspawn. The power of life and death. She used this to enchant her sword so it will never break and defeated Hela, sending her back to Hel forever. For her deeds, she was awarded by her father, Odin the All-Father, the Siriana of the Aesir's Wedding Dress. A powerful suit of armour that can transform into whatever the wearer finds most beautiful. This armour also gave her the ability to fly. And from that moment onwards, she was known as Angela, protector of Heven."

It took me a moment to process this information. Angela was a hero. I had no doubts. Yet, something was off. I'm not sure what, but I felt like it wasn't enough. That didn't sound like the Angela I knew. She was caring. Considerate. But brave when she needed to be. Who knew her bravery would be the end of her?

I wandered back to Angela's body and removed the armour. Thankfully, she was wearing clothes underneath. I then placed the core that deploys the armour onto my chest and pressed it. I was then greeted with a virtual interface. It was only at that moment I realised that the armour had morphed to fit my build. It was amazing. On my head, there was some sort of helmet with a eye glass which displayed a blue interface. I wore a chest-plate with broad shoulder pads and the core of the armour at the centrepiece of it all. It displayed a black ring on a yellow background. The iron gloves had the same symbol on them, which I believed meant that they could fire something or other. There were also iron boots and chain mail bottoms. The interface spoke to me, "Welcome Phil. This is Angela. With this armour, you shall be granted all of my powers. You are the new protector of Heven. Welcome, Son Of Coul". I grabbed Angela's sword. Son of Coul...

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