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Here is the new part..


Next day, 5 am..

Dhruv stretched his arm in sleep to hold Hemal but his hand never found her..
He frowned still sleeping as his hand touched the cold bed only..
Next he opened eyes with a jolt and glanced sidewise only to find Hemal's side of the bed was empty..
His sleep was long gone and he shuddered not finding her in the room.. He got down from the bed and hurried toward the bathroom to check if she was there..
But to his bad luck the door of the bathroom wasn't locked and Hemal wasn't there too..
He even checked their room's balcony, but that too was empty...
"Hemal.." Dhruv called her name aloud and left the room..
"Hemal.. Where are you..??" coming to the living room he shouted only to get silence in return..
He called her name some more times but nothing worked..
Now his worst fear started gripping him.. He realized a numbness was spreading through his body..
He swallowed a painful lamp in his throat as his mouth was dry by then..
Somehow he maintained his composure and started taking slow stepped toward other rooms to search for her..

While going to the study room Dhruv crossed the kitchen and found light was coming from there..
The light of the kitchen was the Ray of Hope for him and without wasting a second he rushed to the kitchen..
And there he got his life back.. He sighed heavily finding Hemal sitting on the kitchen slab with a big bowl in her hand..
Dhruv realized he was holding his breath till that time..
Finally he got relaxed seeing her in front of his eyes..
But seemed like Hemal was too engrossed in her food to realise Dhruv's presence in the kitchen..
"Hemal.." Hemal heard Dhruv calling her name and she looked up only to get wrapped in him arms next..
"I was so scared not finding you in our room..
Please don't go anywhere just like that without informing me, Hemal..
And why the hell you weren't responding when I was calling your name..??" Dhruv spoke embracing her more tightly..
"Cause you are an ass..
Move.. Let me eat.." Hemal reply annoyingly and pushed Dhruv slightly..
Dhruv was both surprised and shocked by Hemal's act..
She never talked like that..

"Hey.. are you fine??" asked Dhruv and Hemal glared dangerously..
"No.. I'm not fine.. Not at all..
I was hungry.. extremely hungry.. And I was trying to wake you up so that you can get me some food..
But you were being an ass and sleeping like a pig, you idiot.." Hemal yelled at him..
"Whoaa girl..!!
Calm down..!!
I'm sorry.. yesterday was exhausting.. both emotionally and physically.. May be that's why I didn't wake up when you was waking me up.." Dhruv tried to pacify her and kissed her temple..
"Whatever.." Hemal rolled her eyes.. But inside she was melting.. That was the magic of Dhruv Rarang's kiss..
"OK.. Leave it.. Tell me what you wanna have, I'll make it for you.." said Dhruv..
"No need of that now..
I've already made myself oats.." Hemal twisted her lips..
Dhruv glanced at her bowl and frowned..
"Don't you think you are eating too much..?? And it's too early for you to eat..??
Umm.. I mean.. Well don't get me wrong.. I never saw you eating this much of food.. And waking up this early is not our thing..
That's way I just asked you.." Dhruv asked and gave clarification of his questions..
"Elephants were jumping in my stomach that's why I woke up.. and I was way too much hungry.. You can say hungry like never before..
That's why I'm eating extra food..
Now if you are done with your question answer round then please let me eat.." said Hemal and had a spoonful of oats..

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