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Here's the next chapter..


A guy in the gym was lifting weights...
He was all sweaty, his muscles were flexed and the nerves underneath of his skin were visible more vividly, thus making the females of the very same gym all hormonal..
They were literally eye raping him..
But none of them had the guts to approach him ought to his indifferent, cold and rigid personality...
So they made themselves satisfied by gawking and drooling over him from a distance..
As he was done with his gym session for that day, he fished out his phone from the pocket of his sweatpants after wiping his sweaty face and amrs by a towel..
He frowned seeing several missed calls from a girl name Mahi and called her back settling himself inside his a week old new Audi..
The call got answered on the first ring..
And before he could even say a 'hello' the girl from the other end spoke..
"Hello.. Dhruv sir, there's a lil problem regarding the meeting with the delegates of Malaysia..
They've informed us that their fight has delayed by a few hours so they won't be able to make it at eight in the evening and they've asked if we can arrange the meeting at eleven...
What should I respond back to them, sir??" she completed all her sentences in a single breath..
"First of all, good morning, Mahi..
And secondly at any cost I have to be at my apartment before ten..
So there is no chance conducting a meeting at eleven..
Arrange the meeting on the following day.." Dhruv said calmly over the bluetooth device while driving back to his apartment from the gym..
"But sir, what if they feel we're taking them for granted..
What if they back out??" Mahi said fearfully..
"That's not my concern, Mahi..
You know better how to handle the situation and manipulate them..
And I must say, you are really good at your job..
So make them understand the way you want.. You have total freedom in this matter..
But just one thing keep in mind that the deal is important.. I don't want it to slip away from my hand.." he chipped wheeling the car smoothly on the road..
"Sir.. If this deal is that important than let me arrange it at eleven only..
Please, sir.." she whined..
"Nothing is more important then her for me..
If you can manage them, then fine.. Otherwise there are plenty qualified people waiting to grab the post of my Personal assistant.." he kinda snapped at her..
"So.. Sorry, sir.. I'll see what I can do..
I.. mean I'll try my best not to loose the deal..
Bye sir.." she chipped hurriedly with stammering a bit and cut the call without waiting for his answer..
Dhruv shook his head as she hung up the call abruptly..
"This girl sometimes gets on my nerves..
I've lost the count that how many times I've thought to fire her and get a new PA..
But then I couldn't.. I just couldn't..
Even after all these years I didn't learn how to throw people out of my life when I get a better one.." Dhruv sighed and parked his car in his private garage..
The garage is filled with a lot of expensive cars.. But the place was still empty where Hemal's car was parked that night..
She hadn't left a single string at Dhruv's place except of the letter..
Even her car was taken away the very next morning by the people whom she sold it..
Dhruv noticed the empty place and recalled that night..
Hemal didn't just take away all her stuffs with her but also took away the happiness and smile of Dhruv..
But Dhruv didn't mind it as he considered his smile and happiness was belonged to her..
He diverted his gaze from the empty parking place and got down from the car...
He opened the door of the apartment only to get welcomed by silence, loneliness and emptiness..
Dhruv sighed..
It was nothing new for him.. Since past five years it was his life - empty and silent..
Now he got habituated with it..
He inhaled a lung full of air in a attempt to sniff her scent but with all these years even that had faded away..
Dhruv shook his head in disappointment and made his way to their room..
He still consider his everything as their..
After a cool relaxing shower he made some quick a simple breakfast of toast and eggs..
Then left for the office after feeding himself..
Nothing was same after Hemal's departure..
His employees just lost their friendly and caring boss..
Well.. Deep down they knew he still does care for everyone but never shows..
After that dreadful night Dhruv had hidden his softness in a hard unbreakable shell..
As he entered into his office everyone wished him good morning.. He too wish them back but not with a smile..
He tried but couldn't fulfill Hemal's that wish..
His smile did fade away..
Dhruv had lined up meeting back to back..
And he made himself busy with all that in no time..
Soon the evening crept in without his realization..
"Sir.. May I come in..??" Mahi sneaked her head in..
"Hmm.." Dhruv just hummed signing some papers..
"Sir, I convinced them to postpone the meeting..
But there's a problem.. Even tomorrow you have back to back meetings form 10am till late night..
So, should I arrange it at eight in the morning??" she asked tentatively..
"Umm.. Make it seven if they are OK with it..
I need to check a few things before 10am's meeting.." still he didn't looked up at her..
"OK, sir.. I'll inform you the timing at night.." she nodded..
And that was when Dhruv tilted his head and looked sharply at her..
"How many times I have to tell you not to bother me on 12th October..??" he muttered in a calm yet cold voice making Mahi tremble in fear..
"So.. Sorry.. Sorry, sir.. I'll inform you early in the morning..
I'll take your leave, now..
Good night, sir.." and she literally ran out of his cabin..
"This girl can never change.." he shook his head in disbelief..
Dhruv glanced at his wrist watch which showed 7:35pm..
He closed the file and arranged his table.. Then walked out of his cabin..

"There's a lot of stuffs to do.." Dhruv sighed looking at the big cardboard box filled with decorating stuffs after coming home...
"But, first cake.. It will take time to bake.." saying that he headed towards the kitchen..
"Phew..!! Finally everything is set.." he roamed his eyes everywhere in the hall which was classily decorated with yellow and black transparent balloons and ribbon.. A tiny smile crept on his lips seeing it..
"Still half an hour is left before twelve..
I should go and take a quick shower.." he mumbled to himself and walked in his room..
"Hey birthday girl..!! Happy birthday..!!" Dhruv wished with a broad smile standing in front of the picture wall of his room..
It had a lot of pictures of Hemal..
After she left Dhruv made that to feel her presence..
"I told you nah.. That I'll celebrate your birthday till the last year of my life..
See.. I'm keeping my promise.." he was smiling with quivering lips..
"I wish if you could have kept your promise as well..
May be then I could have fed you my hand made cake.." he chuckled quickly wiped away the line of tears which just fell from him eyes..
"But it's OK.. I don't hate you.. I love you and will always do..
I hope you are happy wherever you are and with whoever you are..
Cause that's what matters, right.." Dhruv smiled faintly..
"As you aren't here I'm cutting the cake by myself.. OK.." he went near the cake which he had baked an hour ago..
Dhruv lit up the candle and blew it..
"Always stay happy.." he wished before cutting the cake..
Little did he know there was a soul far away from him in her pathetic condition continuously remembering him..

Same day..

After sealing the deal with the delegates of Malaysia, Dhruv was doing some last minute preparations for his next meeting with undivided attention..
But a phone call broke his concentration..
He frowned looking at the mobile screen as it was showing an international phone number..
"Hello.." receiving the call he said confusedly..
Who's this..??" he asked getting no response from the other end..
"Hello.. Hello..
Are you there??
Can you hear me??
Hello.." he chipped again.. And again it was all silent..
He didn't say anything after that, but he didn't hang up the call either..
Time passed.. But none uttered a single word..
Then suddenly Dhruv spoke with a thumping heart and a dry throat..

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