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Merry Christmas my lovelies...
And as promised here's the Christmas special chapter..
Happy Reading..


Dhruv definitely wanted to see Dhruvika again.. But not even in his wildest dream he imagined her to be Hemal's daughter.. 'Hemal had a bady' this whole concept was utterly unbelievable for him.. In past five years somewhere in his heart there still was a tiny hope that one day he would get his Hemal back, but now that she had a family, Dhruv could see his one last hope crushing in front of his eyes.. He turned his back to them and wiped his tears before anyone could notice and thought to leave the hospital silently as her family was with her then..
"I better leave now..Your family is here.. You don't need me anymore, Hemal.. No one needs me.." Dhruv smiled sadly mumbling in mind..
He then took a deep breath to compose himself, and that's when he sense panic in Hemal's voice..
He immediately turned to them only to witness Dhruvika breathing heavily and Hemal trying to comfort her..
"Baby.. Calm down.. Calm down.." Hemal said worriedly rubbing her tiny back.. "Take deep breaths.." she continued..
Dhruv could see the horrifying expression on Hemal's face.. She was crying seeing her baby like that.. And somewhere it hurt him as well to see Dhruvika struggling for air..
He knew he loved that little girl from the moment he saw her in front of the receptionist's desk for the very first time.. He took slow steps to them almost like a hypnotized person and picked her in his arms.. Hemal was momentarily flabbergasted seeing him picking her up and hugging her near his chest..
"Hey baby..!! Calm down..!! Calm down..!!" Dhruv chipped sweetly and calmly, rubbing her back and rocked her a little..
"Mommy's fine, ok.. But she'll get hurt if you keep crying like this.. Remember you told me everyone calls you Devil.. You know, Devil doesn't cry, they make everyone cry.. So as you're the little Devil, you're not allowed to cry.. Do you get me.." Dhruv kept blabbering all those things to her while rocking her..
It took a few minutes but she got normalized.. And all this while Hemal was watching him in awe.. She never knew that he could handle kids so efficiently..

"Dhruv.." Hemal called out his name in a low voice.. Dhruv looked at her still holding Dhruvika near his chest..
"She's asleep.." she smiled a tiny one.. Hearing her he gazed down at Dhruvika's face and instantly a smile appeared on his lips too.. She was actually sleeping like a kitten, her lips were slightly parted and she was holding the fabric of his shirt firmly in her tiny fist..
"She-she's sleeping.. What should I do now..??" He asked Hemal worriedly..
Hemal chuckled in a low voice seeing him so clueless..
"Don't laugh and tell me what to do.." he rolled his eyes..
"Okay.. Sorry.." she supressed her chuckle..
"Lie her down over here.." Hemal shifted a little to her right and made some space for Dhruvika..
"Are you sure..?? I mean is it okay to lie her on a hospital bed..?? She's so small.. What if there's germs.."
"Dhruv.. It's a hospital.. Bed sheets are sanitized here.."
"Okay.. As you say.." he nodded and make her lie beside Hemal..
Dhruvika's cheeks were still red and they had tear marks.. Hemal lightly caressed her cheeks and Dhruv just watched them sitting beside the bed on a stool..
"Hemal..!!" They heard another voice at the door and in the reflex both shushed the person in unison..
They gazed at each other the next second but the eye latch only lasted for a nanosecond..
"Angel's sleeping Vrushika.. Keep your voice low.." Hemal looking away from him..
"Oh..!! Sorry.." Vrushika chipped in a low voice and come to her..
"By the way how are you feeling now.. I talked to your Doctor, he said your vitals are stable.. You'll be fine soon.." she caressed her hair..
"I'm fine, Vrushy.. It's just my head's hurting a bit.. But I'm fine.. So don't worry.." she smiled..
"Okay.." Vrushika too returned her a smile..
"But Vrushy, you shouldn't have leave Angel alone.. She was crying so bad.."
"Wah trust me, Hemal, I asked her to stay with me.. I told her that first we would meet the doctor and then I would take her to you, but you know your daughter, she just ran away.. And she knows every corner of this hospital like back of her hand.. It's so hard to stop her.." Vrushika gave her a helpless look and Hemal sighed..
She knew how naughty and stubborn her daughter was..
"It's okay, I know she's hard to handle.. And now a days she's getting more stubborn and naughty.."
"She's just a baby, Hemal.. It's perfectly fine if she's naughty.." Dhruv defended her..
"You don't know her yet, she's a whole new level of naughtiness.." Vrushika chuckled and somewhere Dhruv didn't felt good when she said he didn't know her..
"Well, actually he met Dhruvika in the office the other day and she brought Zeppelin there.. So he kinda have an idea of her naughtiness.." Hemal informed her..
"Yeah..!! I know her enough well.." Dhruv murmured under his breath..
"Oh God..!! let's just hope she doesn't bring Zippeline in hospital too..
By the way I'm Vrushika Mehta.. You must be Dhruv, right.. Swayam told me that you're here.." Vrushika held her hand out for a handshake with a smile..
Dhruv took her hand and returned her a smile.. "Nice meeting you, Vrushikha.."
"Umm.. If you want you can return back to your hotel and take some rest.. I'll be with her.." Vrushikha said politely..
"No.. No it's okay.. I'll be will her.." he said immediately..
"Okay.. As your wish.." Vrushikha shrugged..
"Umm.. Vrushy can you fetch him some clean cloths.. His T-shirt has blood stain.." Hemal asked..
"Swayam probably has extra pair of cloths.. I'll see if I can get something for him.." and Vrushikha left..

"So, you are a mother now.." Dhruv spoke after a few minutes of silence..
"A proud mother.." Hemal replied caressing her hair..
"And you actually heard our conversation and misunderstood everything.." she looked at Dhruv and sighed..
"Shit.. I'm such an idiot.. I should have listened to you once.." he muttered regretfully..
"I'm so sorry, Hemal.."
"It's okay.. But from the next time please try to listen what people want tell you before reacting on any matter.."
"I will.. I promise.."
"By the way, Hemal, she's beautiful.." Dhruv admired her beauty..
"I know.. She's my little angel.."
"You should have told me about her.."
"I told you.."
"When..??" he asked with a frown..
"That day in office, when you asked me about having babies, I told you I have one.." Hemal reminded him..
"Wha-what..!! I thought you were kidding.."
"No, I wasn't.."
"Yeah..!! I can see that.."
"Yeah..!! Of course..!!" Hemal chuckled..
"Well.. Where's your baby papa?? He would probably break all my bones for hurting you.." he mouthed jokingly hiding his pain..
Dhruv's this question was enough to drain out all the colours of Hemal's face which didn't go unnoticed by him..
"Hemal, what's wrong..??" he asked in concern..
"I never cheated anyone, Dhruv.. I'm a single parent.. I don't have any husband or fiancé or boyfriend.." Hemal said truthfully without meeting his gaze.. Dhruv was utterly confused hearing her..
"Then who's Dhruvika's father..??" he asked.. And before Hemal could say anything Vrushikha came back with fresh cloths for Dhruv..
"Look, I found a pair of clean jeans and a T-shirt.. Here.. Take it.." Vrushikha handed him the cloth..
Dhruv sighed thinking about her timing and grabbed the cloth..
"Thanks.. I'll go and change.." he thanked her half heartedly and went to the washroom to change..

"What the hell was Hemal talking about...??
Who's Dhruvika's father..??
And why the hell he's not with them??
Did he cheated on Hemal..?? If yes, then that asshole is as good as dead.. I'll kill him for hurting my Hemal and Dhruvika..
Or may be Dhruvika isn't her biological daughter..
Aghh..!! I really need to talk to Hemal and clear everything out.." Dhruv kept blabbering to himself while changing into fresh cloth..
Once he was fresh, he stepped out of the washroom fully determined to talk to Hemal.. But as soon as he looked front he noticed Hemal talking in a low voice to Vrushikha and Swayam.. And he sighed in disappointment..
"Shit.. I can't talk to her about Dhruvika and her father in front them.. I've to wait for these two to leave.." he murmured under his breath and join them and mentally prayed to his stars to make them leave sooner than the soon..

Let me know how was the chapter..
And don't forget to vote..
The next chapter will be on New Year..
Love you..

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