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Hemal was the one who woke up first in the morning.. In her partially opened sleepy and blurry eyes she put her hand on her left to feel her baby.. But all she could feel was not so soft mattress of the hospital bed and all her sleepiness was gone..
She immediately snapped her head to the left only to find her side empty but at the very time her eyes caught something else and it brought a sweet satisfactory smile on her lips..
Hemal turned on her left side and made herself comfortable only to enjoy the sight in which she was totally engrossed..
Actually she was gazing at the couch where Dhruv was lying on his back and her little girl was sleeping on his chest.. Her tiny little hands were wrapped around his neck and the drool from her slightly open mouth was wetting his T-shirt.. But seemed like that wasn't bothering him even a bit.. He was sleeping peacefully embracing the little one in his protective arms..

"Good morning.." Hemal wished Dhruv as she noticed him stirring and opening his eyes slightly.. She had no idea for how much time she just watched the duo sleeping.. That peaceful and satisfying sight compiled her to loose the track on time.. Perhaps it was almost an hour since she was awake and watching them silently and happily..
"Hmm.. Yeah..!! Good morning.." Dhruv replied in sleepy voice turning his head to his right..
"Dhruv, just sleep for some time more if you feel like.." she muttered slowly not disturbing Dhruvika's slumber..
"No, I'm fine.." he chipped with a smile gazing at the sleeping fairy in his arms..
After a minute of adoring her he slowly sat straight on the couch and then stood up still holding her in his arms..
"How are you feeling now..??" asked Dhruv coming to Hemal's bed..
"I'm fine.. My head isn't hurting anymore.." Hemal chipped with a smile and he lied Dhruvika beside her..
"Sorry, I just forgot to make her sleep beside you.. Actually I was lulling her lying on the couch and I have no idea when I also fell asleep.." he apologized sitting on the stool..
"It's okay.. She was sleeping comfortably on your chest.."
"When did you wake up..??"
"An hour ago or something.. I actually didn't noticed the time.."
"An hour ago..?! Then why didn't you wake me up earlier..??
"Why should I ?? You two were sleeping so peacefully.. I was watching you and Angel sleep.. You still look cute while sleeping and my baby looks cute all the time.." she chuckled wiping the drool from the corner of her lips..
"Yes, she is.." Dhruv chipped kissing her tiny knuckles.. And as he looked up from Dhruvika, his eyes got latched with Hemal's who was already looking at him with her soft, love filled eyes..
He held her gaze with his and leaned forward.. Both closed their eyes slowly as the distance between their faces started reducing.. Dhruv softly placed his lips on hers.. "Do you trust me..??" he asked remaining in the same position..
"What kinda question is this.." Hemal mumbled breathily.. Anticipation was written on all over her feature..
"Just answer, Hemal.."
"Yes..!!" as they were talking, their lips brushed with each others sending sweet tingles in their system..
"Then tell me what's bothering you.. I know something's not right.. Something's making you worried.. Please tell me, Hemal.. I promise I'll make everything right.." the sincerity and honesty in his voice made her overwhelmed and tears started surfacing on her beautiful orbs..
"I will, Dhruv.. I'll tell you everything.. It's just I don't know how to put all these things in words.." she sobbed..
"Just tell me in whichever way you can, I'll try to understand everything.." his lips travelled to her forehead and left a moist imprint of it between her eyebrows..
"Mommy.." Dhruvika mumbled in sleep alarming Dhruv and Hemal who were feeling the bliss of being in each other's arms about her thinning slumber.. They saw her stirring and they separated after pecking each other's lips quickly..
Within next one minute Dhruvika opened her big Bambi eyes and looked around, probably trying to figure out where she was.. Once she remembered everything she got up and sat on the bed all fresh and full of life.. And Dhruv and HemaL knew that was the real start of their day..

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