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Sorry to disappoint you guys..
I know you'll are waiting for Dhruv's reaction..
But this chapter doesn't content much of his reaction..
He reacted a lot in previous chapter..
Let him take some rest..
Today I'll tell you the past of Dhruv..


Dhruv chuckled.. He chuckled shaking his head once he finished reading her letter..
He kept chuckling until it transformed into laughter..
A painful lunatic laughter..
Tears were raining down from his eyes continuously but his laughter didn't stop..
Then he looked up at the ceiling and spoke "You are laughing at me right now, right??
I know you are doing..
See.. Even I'm doing the same.. I'm laughing.." and he started laughing more loudly..
"Even Hemal wants my smile to never fade away..
Obviously..!! After all at the end of the day I'm a joker, right?? A joker who kept doing stupid idiotic things..
And being a joker it's my job to smile whole day.. Even if I'm dying from inside still I have to..
Eeee.. (he grinned toothily) see, Hemal.. I'm smiling..
Oppz..!! Sorry..!! How will you see.. You've already left me, right??
But you are my lady love.. Your wish is my command..
So I'll promise I'll not let my smile to fade away..
Joker's smile never fades..
Never fades..
I'm a joker..
My life is a circus..
And I'm a joke.." he kept talking to the air continuously..
Sometime he was assuming that he was talking to Hemal and sometime to the divine power..
But no one was there to answer him back..
Soon his loud lunatic laughter died.. And even his vocal chords refused to make any sound further as an arch tiredness spread numbness on his each cell..
Dhruv sank on the soft mattress of their bed and clutched her pillow near his chest..
His face was buried in the pillow to sniff her scent..
He was calm then..
He not only stopped throwing sarcastic words to his cruel fate, but also stopped reacting..
Neither he was faking laughter, nor crying and mourning over his pathetic, heartless life which was never in his favor..
That day he realized the love, happy moments, blessings everything was illusion..
In reality he was all alone..
Just like the way he was when he was a kid of age four..
Dhruv just closed his eyes and all the dreadful events of his past life started playing like some recorded film..

Flashback starts..

A four year old Dhruv was asleep peacefully on a cot..
At that time Dhruv used to address himself as Dhruv Singh..
Suddenly some commotion broke his peaceful slumber..
Little did he know at that time that the commotion not only broke his peaceful sleep but his peaceful life as well..
Rubbing his eyes he got up and sat on the cot..
And there he saw his parents were fighting..
Seeing that he lowered his head with a sad pout..
It was nothing new for him.. As far as he could remember he witnessed them fighting only..
Dhruv's parents were poor.. They used to live in a very small rented house which had only one room and a small kitchen..
Even the washroom was outside the house..
Hence it was like he had to witness his parents' fight as they had only one room to stay..
And he used to hate their fights..
Initially he got frightened many times as he heard their loud voices..
But later with time he got used to it..
Sometimes they used to vacant their pent up anger and frustration on that poor soul by scolding him unnecessarily..
But that day something happened which was beyond his imagination..
His mother left..
He saw his father trying to stop her but she was in no mood to hear anything..
Dhruv too joined his father to stop his mom..
He was crying and begging to her...
But she just left without giving any heed to the father son duo..
He remembered he asked his father that why his mother left them..
And in return he got to know that she left cause his father was poor and unable to fulfill her wishes so she left with someone rich..
Dhruv was tormented after his mother's departure..
But instead of taking care of him his father drown himself in alcohol in order to escape from the troubles of life..
Thus, little Dhruv had to take care of himself along with his alcoholic father..
Somehow he accepted the new change in his life when suddenly one morning he found his father wasn't waking up..
He tried and tried and tried, still got no response from his father..
He rushed to his neighbors and asked for help..
A few people from his neighborhood came with him to see the matter..
They checked his father and within an hour there reached police and ambulance..
Dhruv was totally clueless about the happenings..
A lady of his neighborhood kept him in her house for next couple of hours before the police inspector took Dhruv with him and informed him about his father's death..
His condition at that moment was hard to express in words..
None of his relatives came forward to help the little soul because of the fear of helping him financially..
But some kind neighbors helped him to perform the last rituals of his dead father and later he was send to an orphanage..
There he face a lot of difficulty to adjust with the new environment..
He was just a five years old innocent, shy and timid kid then..
And the elder childrens of the orphanage used to take advantage of his this nature..
They used to bully him.. They used to damage things and then throw the whole blame on him..
He didn't know how to fight back.. And didn't know how to prove his innocence..
Thus, he always used to end up being the guilty one and got several punishments..
Still he kept trying his best to get adjusted in the orphanage..
He used to cry for hours alone..
He used to ask God to give his parents back..
And one day God partially approved his wish by giving him new mom dad..
Yes..!! A couple who couldn't have their own baby even after trying for years and spending money on different treatments adopted Dhruv..
And then Dhruv became Dhruv Narang..
Dhruv had a mixed feelings going with his new parents..
He spent two years in the same orphanage.. And he accepted and adjusted himself well there..
And then he was afraid thinking that he yet again had to mould himself in a new environment..
At the age of seven it was the fourth time when situation changed for him completely and again life was demanding from this little one to adjust according to the situation..
But this time he got lucky..
Well.. At least for a few years..
Mr. & Mrs. Narang were a happy and rich couple..
Dhruv never saw them fighting like his birth parents..
They used to love him, take care of him, spent a lot of time with him, buy him toys, take him in different cities and countries for vacation and pamper him a lot..
They were proud parents of Dhruv as he was a really polite and good boy.. No one ever complained to them about Dhruv..
And he was doing excellent in academic as well..
Then one day after almost five years they got a good news..
Mrs. Narang was pregnant.. It was kinda miracle for them.. They said all that happened because of Dhruv.. He was their good luck charm..
And on the other side Dhruv was the happiest one knowing about his little brother /  sister's arrival..
Due to a complex pregnancy Mrs. Narang was advised to take full rest..
And that was the first time when his new mom made some distance from him..
But Dhruv was too happy to think anything negative..
The baby came.. It was a boy..
And his new parents got engrossed with the new member of the family..
Dhruv felt ignored.. But he maturely made  himself understand that his brother was too tiny.. That's why his mom dad need to take care of him more..
Narang couple was so occupied with their own baby that they forgot about Dhruv..
And the feeling of ignorance transformed into unwantedness..
Yet again Dhruv was left alone..
It was just after Dhruv's fifteenth birthday, Mr. Narang declared that they were sending Dhruv to a boarding school..
The admission was already done and he would go and drop him in the school the following day..
He was shocked hearing his dad and tried to protect..
But he didn't listen his one single plea..
He then asked his mom to convince his dad my his mom told him that his little brother need more attention.. And they couldn't give him their full attention till he was there.. So he had to go..
And they forcefully sent him to the boarding school..
Then he realized that how selfish people were..
Everyone left him when they got better option..
That fact hurt him a lot but he accepted it..
Years past.. And Dhruv learned to live alone..
Even is school he didn't make friends as he was afraid that they would also leave him a while later..
It was a few months before his higher secondary examination when he told Mr. Narang that he wanted to study business management after school and establish his own manufacturing company..
But Mr. Narang just said that they couldn't bare his education expenses anymore..
Dhruv didn't say anything that time..
He knew pretty well that he easily could do this for him.. But it was just he didn't want to spend unnecessarily on some unwanted one..
So he work hard, got scholarship and left Mr. Narang's place..
And no one ever tried to stop him..
He took an oath not to get attached with anyone emotionally..
But then he met Hemal in college.. And all his equation of life changed..
He yet again trusted someone and yet again he was left alone all heartbroken..

Flashback ends..

Remembering all those events Dhruv's tired body gave up and he slept in a hope that in morning when he would open his eyes he would find his Hemal sleeping beside him like a baby...

Dhruv suffered a lot 😭
Share your feelings with me guys..
Thanks for reading..
Next chapter on Tuesday..

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